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Everything posted by femurlord

  1. Dharas sent in a bid on the ultra-rare NFT, seeming to hold some desire to obtain it. "500 minas!" He barked
  2. It was real, Brother man. Thank you for giving me and the homies something fun! Take some time off, go back to your roots, and detox, bro bro. Hope to see you around some day.
  3. femurlord


    A child born into slavery near the Nation of Urugan, this child was only to be given only a first name since he'd never be free from slavery and The Masters' beliefs were that Last names only gave the chance for redemption of a blood line. He was named Dharas. Dharas grew up without much connection in his Family circle but finding some solace through his work and a select few of other slaves. As he grew he watched and worked as he'd grow he'd slowly gain insight through the occasional outside visit from distant travelers, which occasionally would teach him how to read and different tricks in secret but others would come to buy slaves for themselves. He began to envy those travelers and those who were bought, they'd find somewhere different from here. Seeing himself and his fellow slaves work themselves to death over scraps barely enough to get by, he plotted for years how to escape his situation. Years later during a raid upon the backwater slave encampment from a small cult seeking resources to attempt the resurrection of Iblees Dharas had an opportunity to escape which he took. He left behind his family in order to try and become like those travelers, free to explore the world as he saw fit.
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