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Status Replies posted by High_On_Math

  1. crazy how xan died on the first day of pride month. coincidence?

    1. High_On_Math


      41 minutes ago, TeawithFrisket said:

      its actually a hate crime cuz all paladins are gay. 

      It was confirmed that xan and azdromoth getting married was one of the possible outcomes of the fight, but sadly ST did not make that one happen.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. i think a lot of people in this damn server are negative nancies and need to start to be more positive. for real.

  3. Is Willy-nilly a canon phrase in LOTC? 

    Ex. Sentence: "You can't just keep throwing stuff around willy nilly."

    1. High_On_Math


      Well we speak in modern English anyways, so anything that's not generational slang should be allowed.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. will do amateur natal chart (astrology) reading for 100 minas

    message me  on here or in game @ HeroOfDuLoc for my discord, first come first serve

    only doing 5 readings

    1. High_On_Math


      he good at dis. successfully predicted my psyche and im a skeptic



      Edited by High_On_Math
  5. If your socials are the same as your ign and you actively like nsfw or suggestive posts, please lock your accounts or disable viewing for non registered accounts which automatically applies filters until the user can verify they’re 18. Some of y’all got mad nsfw art floating around which is accessible to minors. God forbid you’re OF is the same ign, it’s not that deep. Either change usernames to be inconspicuous or use the settings put into place to block minors (lotc is a 13+ platform) from viewing it. 

    1. High_On_Math


      I only read the first part and misread it, assuming this was going to be a "If your social skills are the same as your ign, what kind of person are you?" Which would have been a lot more funny unfortunately

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Luthriel enjoyed the News, I take it?

    1. High_On_Math


      enjoyed the first half, schizoed at the 2nd half

  7. So much hate. So many people saying horrible things. Isn't this supposed to be a game?

  8. It's been over two weeks since my Ban Appeal was claimed :(

    1. High_On_Math


      I want to know why so many of my friends get perm banned.


      The only time I got banned was for "ruining the reputation of the server" by telling a new player to "leave before they got addicted" as a joke in ooc.  It was a whopping 1 hour and the experience taught me to never say anything bad that those in power dont like or I'll be silenced.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9.  Can Haense people stop giving me funny looks :( I am but a citizen

    1. High_On_Math


      you're not really a citizen unless you've been in haense's sewers

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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