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Moderation Manager
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Status Updates posted by Spoopy_Duck

  1. We've been on Aevos for a year now

  2. SS Pillar rules have been updated. Pinned on original post from yesterday. Thank you everyone who voiced opinions on the matter.

    1. ClassyDryad


      Thanks to moderation for taking community feedback 🙏

  3. @Iverach cant even give me a day to relax 

  4. Guys do I buy the galaxy's edge replica  Cal Kestis legacy lightsaber? (It changes colors)

    1. Greehn


      The stall in numendil has been refilled again! Come get your purebred horses while you can! 

    2. MeteorDragon


      A foolish question. The answer is yes

  5. Remember what they took from me. 


  6. any mori want to teach me argentum forging (i am single)



  7. Any kani fans?

  8. **** the chiefs.

  9. The Petran Rebel side has gone 24 hours without a forum post. If a leadership figure would dm me we can negociate this $20 payment.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. exogens


      Can I claim it if I tell the leadership im allowed to do so? <3

    3. UnusualBrit
    4. Kisshmael


      I'm a big fan of impartial, unbiased moderation.

  10. I will pay whichever side can go a day without a forum post $20

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spoopy_Duck
    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      The real question is, can you go a day without moderating any posts for 20$ ?

    4. Spoopy_Duck


      Sadly I cannot

  11. If I see one more TNT post I am going to lose it.

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