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Everything posted by asoart

  1. SURNAME: Temesch FIRST NAME: William Godfrey RESIDENCE ADDRESS: Vursur Avenue nr 3 YEAR OF BIRTH: 1958 (17 yo) ((MC NAME)): Asoart
  2. William read the missive barely understanding what it meant, his brows raised as he read his brothers name "Wohooo! August joined the court?" he then went to look for Cosima to explain what this meant.
  3. William watched as Esfir corrected every single word because of spelling mistakes. He then started to run around inviting kids
  4. William would notice his sisters absence but it wouldn't cross his mind that she was missing until he overheard his parents talking about it. He took his stick and went around Petra shouting her name
  5. Full Legal Name: William Godfrey Temesch et Martiel Date of Birth | Age: 1958 | 8 Will you adhere to all of our bylaws if your application is accepted? Yees ((MC Name | Discord)) Asoart | Asoart
  6. William dashed around the house informing each of his siblings about the sleepover before starting to pack things he thought they would need.
  7. King William of the Cookie Empire read the declaration, "He needs a cookie" he said to himself. Even though he was only eight, he knew that the adult response to such matters would only split the children into two sides. Despite not claiming any land, the Cookie Empire aimed to claim the hearts and imaginations of the children of Aevos. It was time for diplomacy; it was time for the children to unite and set an example for the adults...
  8. King William (7) proud of what they have achieved in the 2 hours they were left unattended, would wonder what they could achieve if all the kids of Aevos joined them...Tax-free sweetshops and toy stores? The library filled with fictional books? Adults praising and serving the kids? What else could this empire accomplish that adult empires failed to accomplish?
  9. asoart


    Raised by his father who served as a soldier in Freimark. Doesn't know what happened to his mother as he never got the chance to learn from his father. Trained with his father most of the time, in his absence, he was an apprentice of a blacksmith. Continued with the blacksmith after his father died in battle. Later in time while he was traveling to Savoy, he was raided and without him getting the chance, he was knocked down by a hammer which left him unconscious in the field. No one knows what happened during these few years where he continuously suffered memory losses and flashbacks that lead him to the Cloud Temple of Almaris.
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