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Posts posted by exogens






    To those of scholarly interest, the bridge of Dragur is open. Take my guide and flame as the torch, and the key to the gates of infinite power.



    ||=||1f441.png||=|| This is your chance. ||=||1f441.png||=|| Do not waste it. ||=||1f441.png||=||



    To introduce myself, I am Ezrul'Azzar, the Master of Knowledge, Dragur's Blessed, and the Wise Drake. In my previous life, I have spent years mastering all kinds of knowledge, the common and the rare. I wish to offer your mortals some of my blessed arts to pass down in exchange for rare metals, which some of you may keep laying around on shelves.


    I offer all kinds of knowledge, from every single metal smith-able, except Argentum. All kinds of existing potions brewed to all kinds of rare alchemical arts such as Flesh Alchemy, Automata and Tinkering alike. This also includes the art of making life from clay and stone. The rarer the art you seek, the higher the metal rarity I seek. However, the order of metals I prioritize is as follows:

    - Dracanium

    - Boomsteel

    - Carabrum

    - Thanhium

    - Azhl

    - Starsteel

    Keep in mind, This list is not limited, offer me something worthy and I shall offer you something similar to worth. In order to contact me, send me a bird to Tor'Praeth. Everyone, except Xannites is welcomed and negotiable. 



    To those who seek me, seek power, strength, knowledge, wisdom, or Asioth:





    [To seek an interaction, DM exogens (@exogens) on Minecraft or Discord.]


  2. At a dark, quiet night. The previous owner of these lands landed on one of the peak of Mount Owyn, watching over the land that he left for his descendants being put in good use 


    “hopefully they’ll make me proud. If they should need help, I shall be summoned.” is what he said while pondering, before flying away once again.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Tawkin is an alchemical craft that works with the body; it is also known by its more popular name, flesh Alchemy. For the large majority of people, Tawkin has a wide range of applications that range from straightforward cosmetic operations to the development of the prohibited Homunculus.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The first of the arts, the art of transmutation is vast and includes both mutation and moulding and grafting. With the use of Moulder's Tincture, which turns flesh flexible like clay, alchemists can alter their own or another person's appearance through a straightforward cosmetic operation called moulding. However, there is a danger involved because if done incorrectly, moulding can result in irreversible injury. The process of using Bogodan's Clay to replace missing limbs and nonvital organs is known as grafting. Only two grafted traits may be present at any one time in an individual. The strongest type of transmutation are mutations, which improve physical characteristics. There are many different kinds of mutations, ranging from basic webbed feet to make swimming easier to stronger ones that allow them to push past their physical limits and reach new strength levels.


    Secondly, Homunculi are faux-beings resembling a descendent, homunculi are creatures composed of flesh and bone. But because of their alchemical beginnings, they are soulless, unlike a descendant. They are particularly drawn to the alchemical, although they are vulnerable to voidal magics, and aurum.

    Finally, this practice is usually not taught by most people, due to the huge responsibility it carries. The practice of cloning oneself is known as "kloning." Because harbouring this banned knowledge infuriates the monks, Tawkin practitioners who choose to create Klones are subject to a PK clause upon death and are thus obliged to inhabit a Klone or find another method of immortality. An alchemist must combine many herbs on top of a base of Bogodan's clay to create a Klone, which they must then let grow for [6] OOC weeks, or [3] OOC weeks with additional risk. Every Klone has a risk associated with it because, at the time of formation, there's a potential the new body will develop mutations or defects that will make the prospective occupant less advantageous when they take up the Klone.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Bogdan's clay


    The Alchemist spread a slab of fat—possibly from a cow—on the table and started to work it into dough. He then thoroughly combined and kneaded in five counts of connection symbols with the lard. He then added four counts of growth and life to the centre of the lard-lump and kneaded it in, just as he had done with the connection symbols before. Then he did that kneading-in motion three times, once with grace and once with persistence. To finish the operation, he added two counts of Earthen signs and put it in a jar for later use.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Moulder's Tincture


    "Now, old favourite student of mine. You must feel honored that you were chosen to learn this art from me. As I do not deem most people worthy of it." The son of Azdromoth called out in a raspy voice as he walked around the labratory with his hands held behind his back. "Now, I shall teach you Moulder's Tincture. First things first, you'll need to boil water, before pouring two counts of Balance and three counts of purity." He called out before adding. "If you need help, my Dragonsflame may help you enough to speed up the process." He said as he aided his student in the boiling process, before the student simply worked on what he asked. "Now mix it and then add five counts of Grace. Make sure to mix it well, alright?" He said as he watched his student do so. "Very well. four reduction and two peace and then cool it down. The process is complete."



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It is understandable sometimes students tend to be very excited upon learning something new and experiencing a new type of roleplay. Thus I will ask them to listen carefully and to highlight exactly the power capabilies they have with the magic. 

    If not, I might send them the lore page to give them a quick revision and possibly a catchup lesson to show their improvement, if needed.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ezrul'Azzar (Emir)


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Nephilim, also known as the Azdrazi, are the resurrected progeny of Azdromoth, whom many regard as the "children" of Azdromoth. They are the result of completing a "Wardren," which is a dracanium apparatus with chores attached to it that lead to self-immolation in a wreath made of dragon's flame. This completely transforms the descendent, turning their mortal soul into a draconic one. In addition, the change in the soul blueprint causes their mortal form to change as well, becoming larger and taking on a more draconic appearance.

    Their minds also change, taking on parts of Azdromoth's values and elements of Iblees' corruption. They accomplish this by holding onto a particular mental state from their past and using it as their point of concentration, which wears down the Nephilim over the course of their nearly endless existence. Because of their extraordinarily long lifespans, which cause many of their perceptions to change over time, Nephilim are not neurotypical in the slightest and are nearly all severely cognitively taxed.

    Nephilim are susceptible to both necromantic poisoning and Azhl; Azhl becomes ill normally while necromantic pestilences strike them instantly. When a Nephilim is hit deeply by a frost-based attack, they are not affected by the debuff to units since they are magically heated by a herald's Bharoh. However, Thanium and frost-based assaults both remove one unit of dragonsflame following a deep hit. They lose [2] Units with each hit from Xannic Mists, though, and this effect lasts until the following OOC day.


    The Nephilim's inner flame is the inherent energy they extract from their souls by means of Anima, which is the very force that gives rise to their nature and talents. It allows them to use Lesser Polymorphing and Augmented Flames in addition to the Enrapturements. Excessive use of this would lead to fatigue.


    When an Azdrazi's Dragonsflame slots are harmed by dark magics like Necromancy or Naztherak—whose varied attacks and abilities corrupt varying amounts of the Inner Flame—corruption results. The Nephilim acquires corrupt appearances and is unable to correctly polymorph into a mortal form when five or more slots are corrupted. Necromancers and False Princes can bind corrupted Nephilim to their service, but only with OOC permission. They might try to further corrupt Nephilim in an effort to bring more people to their downfall.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    For a moment, Ezrul'Azzar's form resembles how they looked when they were set ablaze. Their humanoid body, which stands at 7'3", is covered in jet-black scales that wrap across them, matching the colour of their horns, which protrude from their sides at ever-so-slightly spirals upward. Their eyes burn with a golden flame that is ever so slightly intense, giving off a gentle glow as they snake around. Among his kin, he seemed to be the only one with long, red hair.




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:









    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




    Wings Shroud the Crew

    The chaotic adventure of the soldiers of the Titan, Azdromoth, and allies.









    A quiet, calm evening, where the seagulls of Whitespire flocked out and about. Emir was quietly preparing his ship, HMS Speedster, for a remarkable adventure overseas, under the wishes of the An-Gho to discover the area where other crews raced to check out. He was busy preparing potions and materials and checking up on his remarkable, fast ship, confident enough that it would do the job perfectly. 


    The ship was weaponized and equipped with a huge gear stomach, whose gears would operate as fast as a sail would, despite keeping the sails used for emergencies. He awaited the Heralds, Seekers of Fire, and allies to come aboard the ship. He was first greeted with Hacket Hemoss, a promising seeker, equipped with armor that would be heavy enough to withstand heavy blows. Later on, Iolas, a newbie Herald and Sorcerer, came along with his friend, Averwyn, who supposedly came to drop off his friend, but little did he know, the captain of the ship had pulled him along in order to join the adventure. He hesitantly agreed to come aboard after a few convincing attempts, until Witold Jazlowecki and Robert Haverlock decided to see who was on the ship and decided to join in the adventure. The crew was still far off from the needed number, so Emir contacted his two remarkable students whom he aided in their path of their voidal arts in order to aid him in this adventure, Grimblegoff the Aspirant and Icarus Solacal. Kalador had already come with excitement, while the other sorcerers were on their way. Icarus, Grimblegoff, and an automaton named Triton came just in time. This made Emir follow on with his next motivational speech.



     The captain of HMS Speedster motivated his fellow sailors before sailing off.


    The Captain spoke of the rules, regulations, and plans that he had in mind. The sailors were rather inexperienced, but they had potential, which he believed in. He knew that no matter what, they would get the job done, even if there was no single Dragonkin coming aboard due to their other plans. He gave them the potions, which helped them breathe under water, and the golems, which would act as crew mates, who were in charge of reloading cannons, healing, ship repairs, and water-control. All of them went to their ordered positions as Emir started off the engines, which later on sailed to follow a black trail within the waters.


    The sky was dark and cloudy, and rain started to soak the sailors above the deck. Meanwhile, they took their tasks responsibly, and the rain worsened as they reached the heart of the storm. Triton, the magnificent Automaton, had his metallic body attract the thunder vigorously. Thunder after thunder, a significant amount of damage was done to the ship, where the center was struck, making the rain fill the hull below, while the sharpened piece of the ship in front of the artillery was broken off. Kalador and Hacket were almost struck, moving to other cannons to man while Grimblegoff took the task with the golems to get rid of the water filling the hull. 



    Grimblegoff heroically volunteers to get rid of the water in the exposed hull.


     Thunder after thunder, the sails were critically struck, sending shrapnel at the captain meanwhile he was focusing on sailing. Upon that, he screamed out loud to Icarus, while the other sailors took shelter in the hull against the strikes: 




    The elf settled in the crow’s nest and hurried down, seconds before the sails ended up swimming with the fishes. This made the captain know that he now solely relied on his smogger engine. Icarus, equipped with a focused crystal spyglass, concerningly warned him of something far worse: a wave four times the ship’s size hurriedly approached their direction directly. The captain immediately turned the ship 180 degrees in the opposite direction, turning the engines at full speed. Despite the effort, he did not outrun the wave, but the good news was that the wave did minimal damage compared to what would have happened if they kept on moving against its direction. Everyone, except Kalador and the Captain, were not affected. Kalador was slammed on the levers of the ship, which switched off the engines while the captain was swept off the ship momentarily. Everyone freaked out, thinking the captain was lost, before he emerged from the dark ocean once more, ordering them to throw a rope as they helped him pull himself back up.




    Slowly but surely did the captain climb, but something at the corner of his eye caught his attention: a huge shark fin submerged under the depths. He hurried up and warned the sailors to stand in position while reloading the cannons, in case danger approached. On the bright side, it turns out it was a friendly creature that was rodeoing a tamed shark approached, offering the sailors a challenge and telling them to follow. The Captain in response, switched back the engines once more as he raced with the shark to their destined location, while the crew mates were busy significantly repairing the ship.









    The crew arrived at the destined location.


    Everyone was busy repairing the ship when the announcer suddenly appeared and spoke. He offered a challenge, and while they were surrounded by a populous sea-coliseum that was filled with crowds, they chanted a mixture of cheers and boos. He gave them the choice to choose the difficulty. The captain ordered his crew to split into two groups, with his right-side agreeing to take the hardest difficulty while the left took the easier ones. After a moment of vote, the right side won, resulting in 7-2, the two being Iolas and Averwyn, who were already anxiously regretting the idea of joining the adventure in the first place after the series of trouble they faced mid-way. The rest of the crew felt like the challenge was worth their status; hence, the captain decided to take the hardest challenge.


    Moments later, the challenge started, and a gigantic crab of infernal origins emerged from the beds of the ocean. The crew prepared, where the captain started to drive the ship in circles while the crew prepared their cannons for exchange fire. As the crab slowly formed an energy of malflame within his maw, the captain stressed the need for everyone to wear masks in order to protect their skin from any exposure. As Witold, Robert, and Kalador prepared their cannons with the aid of the golems, Icarus and Grimblegoff prepared charging their magics, as Averwyn and Iolas were busy giving support to the crewmates. 



    The infernal Crab emerging from the seabed.


    The first exchange of fire emerged, where Cannons that were operated by Kalador and Witold successfully hit the crustacean, exposing some of its flesh beneath its crusty armor, meanwhile it shot its malflame, in which Kalador, Witold, Robert, Iolas and Grimblegoff were affected by. Robert and Grimblegoff took the least damage since they were already protected with heavy clothing, and of course, thanks to Grimblegoff’s hairy face. Witold, Kalador and Iolas were significantly damaged from the burns; however, they were shortly rescued by the golems, who put out the flames within the ship. Despite Kalador’s damages, he got up, saw everyone stressing out, and, as the hero he was, chanted out quotes and speeches that boosted the crew’s morale when it needed it the most. The captain was surely impressed by his dedication. Hacket and Triton bravely took the risk, mounting on the crab as they used their sheer force to break apart the crab’s natural armor. Despite the amount of damage given, Hacket was launched back to the ship in a moderate state, while Triton sank down the bed of the ocean after being launched in the sky and could not swim back up from his one ton weight. The captain attached a metallic chain to one of the cannonballs and threw it to the bedside, where he attempted to dodge most of the crab’s melee attacks while he bought time for Triton to climb his way back up. The crab soon caught the ship with his abominable claws, destroying one of the ship’s rotating gears as the crew still shot cannons at it. Kalador perfected his shot, shooting the crab directly at its eye as it started to bleed malflame out, which set the ship free once again. The captain decided to use 25% of the ship’s oil reserves in order to set the engines on overdrive to compensate for the damages and the slowness that affected the ship. A series of cheers and boos happened afterwards as the crab readied its second attack by forming an artillery attack of malflame directed at the ship. Lucky enough, the attack was useless, as nobody was harmed yet by it. The crab, fueled by fury, was submerged in the bed of the ocean, as the Captain did not expect what was next to happen. Later on, the ship momentarily flung off the waters as a hole formed within the hull. The captain decided to let go of the ship and go to the hull, as he put Grimblegoff in charge of operating the steering wheel once again. 



    Flashback of Grimblegoff taking charge of the steering wheel earlier when the captain was busy having a ‘fun’ splash after being swept off by the wave.


    As the Captain was busy using his magic to fix the holes flawlessly, he noticed a shadow form within the hull. He looked above, and lo and behold, the crab landed on top of the ship perfectly as it started to cause chaos as the crew started to deal with it. Meanwhile,  he focused on his repairs. An exchange of blows happened, where the crew worked together, both with devastating blows, mainly from Hacket and Triton, while ranged blows emerged, significantly from the Cannons and Icarus’ fire evoking abilities. Grimblegoff was busy casting a huge earthen spike below the crab, serving it as a metallic rod on kebab, while Icarus and the Captain later focused on forming combustive flame spells. Thanks to the voidstalker, the energy of the captain was not affected as much as they both sent devastating blows underneath. The captain's eminent abilities helped him with casting much faster, thanks to the previous spells he cast, mainly to heal the crew and to pause their pain senses. Everyone’s effort drastically improved as the crowd fell silent, knowing a disaster was going to happen. The captain yelled out for everyone to hop off the ship incase of a malflame explosion. So they did, except for his two sorcerer students, Grimblegoff and Icarus, where one was busy dodging every single attack, as if he mastered Ultra Instinct like Goku from Dragonball Super, while Grimblegoff relied on his sturdy dwarven teeth to eat the demonic crab alive. The remainder of the crew was crowded on a tiny rift, and with the help of the kidnapped sailor’s kani, they stared in amazement at these two's efforts. 



    The crew watched Grimblegoff and Icarus take on the crab alone successfully.


    This scene alone spiked up the crew’s morale on an unbelievable scale, as everyone started to swim back up the ship, except for the Captain and Averwyn. The captain formed his final spell, and along with Grimblegoff’s unsaturated hunger, the final explosion and the munching of the crab’s final leg made it meet its demise.



    Everyone was silent for a moment, until a loud roar of applause and cheer erupted in the arena as the announcer showed up once again, congratulating the crew, despite being the crew that had the highest chance of failure among the other contestants so far. The crew celebrated and cheered on with Hip-hip hoorays, gleefully taking the hard-earned victory, as rewards were given to the Aaunites as a thank-you. 


    The announcer advised the crew to prepare more next time; meanwhile, the day ended with rum and cooked crab meat. The captain watched his crew socialize, enjoying the victory and how well they worked together. He knew that this crew would be the best he could find, not in terms of performance but in terms of making the adventure memorable. He took in the words the Prophet once told him, that the best of heralds are those who are self-sufficient, and that was what this crew showed today, without the aid of the Dragonkin. The crew finally returned to their homes, while they met once again in order to repair the ship and upgrade it, preparing for the next challenge.




    Special Thanks to @Myochii@Diogen@kuebiko@alien_mc@Rohlik @Foogthe2nd, @ToddTheConqueror, @SoftestMallow, @SethWolffor being the most underrated crewmates Ive ever been with, you guys made this event the most enjoyable ever since I've been in LOTC, despite us canonically being the shittiest team ICly till now LOL

    Of course, a round of applause to @Qizufor making his first event one of the best on the server. Looking more for what this man can achieve.


    Credits to me for the shitty format.


  6. I was asked here to provide a testimony in my POV which I witnessed being around Dio.

    Diogen and I are one of the closest people around, mainly because how we enjoy rp with one another and the fact we both come from the same culture OOCly which is rare in lotc in general. I wanted to highlight that the stress Dio puts about people targetting darkspawns in OOC, despite they failed a few times ICly is something, I, myself witnessed. 

    It is always the niche of the Heroic Canonists, Templars and Paladins who are always trying to save the day by farming or abusing rules in order to ruin things other characters did. Diogen, despite being an evil witch, did nothing but the best to keep a nation thrive, similarly to what I did to Aaun, despite being a Dragonkin. I myself threatened people OOCly that if they do not drop the targetting I would make a report similarly to this, which gladly died out because I got my friend OOCly to 'kill me' privately.

    I won't mention names, but some names I see in this report are very familiar in terms of metagaming and toxicity, which I do not condone myself. I hope the moderators take this report seriously and to not disappoint people as usual. Thank you.

    If moderators need proof in dms, I would happily provide with some.

  7. "Hes ******* alive?" A certain reader pondered as he shoved the missive into his face, at the signature part with a loud hum. "HE IS ALIVE! I'm glad these idiotic mongrels still has a SMART Uruk amongst them. I need to visit him once more."

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Sorvian Sculpting is an independent feat, not tied to any other Feats or Magics and can be taught to any creature or descendent with a soul, as long as they are intelligent. The Sculptor gives their work their Soul Essence similarly to Golemmancy. This procedure can only be done three times every three months unless the sculptor is Sorvian, then it only be repeated once every three months. The Soul Essence is housed in the Sorvian behind a porcelain mask. On the back of this mask, the designer has written an incantation in blood. These symbols serve as a seal but hold no practical meaning.


    To prepare to build a Sorvian, one must first create a husk, which is a wooden skeleton filled with clay. There are three varieties of this construct: playable Sorvian (3ft-6ft), playable Sorvian Newt (2ft-3ft), and workshop Sorvian Newts (1ft-2ft). If there is no fighting advantage, these creations are given flairs (such as numerous arms and hair). For a Sorvian to awaken, their mask must have two sockets and a mouth. If these two criteria are not met, the incantations will fail. These masks can be protruding or decorated with paint.


    When awoken, the husk is referred to as a body. Regardless of how thoroughly the sculptor fashioned the husk, a Sorvian's body resembles a person. Their bodies are smooth, with no hair or flaws, and they frequently cover their clay in clothing to appear friendly and approachable. If the construct's chest cavity is pierced, they will begin to lose soul essence and die in five emotes.


    Once dead, the Sorvian can be revived by retrieving the mask and placing it in a fresh husk. However, once restored, the husk will transform into the body formerly worn by the Sorvian. If the mask is destroyed, the Sculptor will have to recreate it from scratch. Any sculptor, whether a creator or not, can revive any Sorvian. This does not count as a Sorvian creation and can only be done once per OOC day.

    Sorvians, like any construct CA, are unable to heal themselves and must rely on their creators, or sculptors in general, to do so. They have no muscle or nerves and are made of clay and wood, making them simpler to cut through than mortals but feeling little to no pain. Regardless of the severity of the cut, the pain may be mild for years before dissipating. Sorvians experience only a slight inconvenience when their limbs are severed. Despite the lack of visible eyes and ears, they have average vision and hearing. Their voice range expands as they mature. When they express themselves, the mask looks just like their pasted expression. These clay structures do not age.

    Sorvians will obey their creator's commands, human or sculptor, and have a natural desire to serve. If the creator is not there, the construct will wander aimlessly and learn on its own. Once born, they will be able to be moulded into themselves or whatever their makers want them to be, and they will become obsessed with finding this mission to fulfil. If these ideals are lost, they will either continue to believe in them or mentally break down. If the Sorvian persists, they will push the concept, often moulding those beliefs in situations when they are inappropriate. Once broken, people may preserve the beliefs and memories while considering themselves as a completely different person.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?



    The act of writing in blood on the back of a porcelain mask in an unfamiliar and unintelligible language. Purely random symbols that only the Sculptor understands. Once the spell is finished, Soul Essence enters the mask directly from the creator, leaving them chilly, weak, and exhausted.



    When the mask is placed on an extraordinary husk, it fuses with the clay. A dim blue light will shine when the mask is fastened onto the head. This reawakens the Sorvian. 



    This is when a sculptor heals a Sorvian's injury. This procedure requires blood-infused clay and a sculptor. The clay will be softly pressed into the injury and sealed when the Sculptor runs their index along the edges. If an arm or limb is lost, an incantation must be written on its attachment point. 


    The act of making an appropriate husk for a fallen Sorvian. If the mask is shattered, a new identical mask must be produced. Revival and Sorvian Awakening are quite similar, however Revival lacks the three-month constraint. 




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Emir entered the workshop, in the halls of Tor'Praeth, scavenge the wooden materials while recovering from his wounds. He picks up a hunk of wood and lays it on the table, preparing to carve a wooden skeleton out of it with his magic.

    Slowly, he scrapes out the required shape of the skeleton with Alter Shape as his aura manifests the wood lying around; the body appears normal, save for the extra pair of arms. These would eventually be coated with clay to create a slender contour for the body. The clay was perfected on the first try, thanks to his faultless magical talents.

    Once this husk was finished, he turned to the adjoining counter and retrieved the small mask that he had incanted before. He returned with the perfected created mask, which resembled a Draconic-inscribed mask. He then presses the mask onto his face. This action causes the edges of the mask to glow a dim blue, sealing it to the clay and bringing the Sorvian to life. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "It's now time for your first lesson. Come on over to the workshop, and hurry up. I'm too old to have patience anymore." The magician gave the order. Marching into the workshop, he picked up a piece of clay and set it down on his work table. 


    "Work that into a soft dough. He pointed to the workspace and said, "Then you'll want to make a sphere and press your thumb into the middle to create a crater." He was watching his student carry out the necessary action. "After you've done that, pierce your finger with this Gisclinovi-sterilized needle and inject blood into the crater. It won't be harmful. He looked at the procedure, reassuring the student.

    "Stop whining." He spoke in an irritated manner. "Now that it's full up, kneed it again till a pinkish-red colour appeared. When you have, take a suitable piece and fix my sorvian based on the damage it has sustained. Since it's just a small cut, fill it in based on what you can see. After you're done, run your finger over the incision and the newly created "flesh" and remember to channel your inner sculptor. You'll know you're doing it correctly once you see a glow coming out of your trace, and that's it for today." He concluded.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It is understandable sometimes students tend to be very excited upon learning something new and experiencing a new type of roleplay. Thus myself I will ask them to listen carefully and to highlight exactly the power capabilies they have with the magic. 

    If not, I might send them the lore page to give them a quick revision and possibly a catchup lesson to show their improvement, if needed.

    Worst case scenario, I will drop them and ill report to an ST member.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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