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Lawrence Berell

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Status Replies posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. Come on man, why do I have to get re-warned [after it was deleted by Respiren] for advising people to get off the computer and take a break outside and breath fresh air :( Spending too much time on a video game is bad for thy health :(

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Seeing as you have chosen to make this public, I shall answer with my reasoning here and not in a PM.

      The original warning given to you by a GM was for posting on a strike report. Respiren's reason for removing your warning ("Seemed like good advice to me") was irrelevant, seeing as you had broken the rules by posting on the thread at all.

      So that is why I rewarned you. Why you haven't responded to my PM I sent you originally, as Volutional has suggested,...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is it wrong that I hate More Player Models?

  3. Please people, for the love of god don't use special characters in your display name, it looks pretty stupid, and makes a few parts of my job harder- one of these being actually having the ability to read your name and possibly send you a PM.

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      While I do not want to use examples, I am more talking about the people who's entire name consists of a character I have no clue how to input onto my screen.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. Please people, for the love of god don't use special characters in your display name, it looks pretty stupid, and makes a few parts of my job harder- one of these being actually having the ability to read your name and possibly send you a PM.

  5. Please people, for the love of god don't use special characters in your display name, it looks pretty stupid, and makes a few parts of my job harder- one of these being actually having the ability to read your name and possibly send you a PM.

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      But when you're adding them to a PM? I'd think it common courtesy for someone to make their name spellable if I need to add them to something.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. Please people, for the love of god don't use special characters in your display name, it looks pretty stupid, and makes a few parts of my job harder- one of these being actually having the ability to read your name and possibly send you a PM.

  7. Next robbery? Where will it be? Where will The Silver Shadow strike?

  8. Having... thoughts.. on.. halfling character...

  9. #Thu'um4FancyFedora2012 *hemhem*

  10. You may look at me and think this is stupid, but this is my idea. A MASS BANNING OF EVERYONE ON THE SERVER. Everyone will have to reaply, other then the GMs or admins. Maybe that will help sort out these drama teenagers who would rather cry then roleplay....

  11. Here comes goodbye T-T

  12. I wonder what the reactions may be when I release the first Occultus Image ;)

  13. Jason Derulo has really, really bad grammar.

  14. I am Jake Tyler Sullivan, AKA CreeperSlayer999, I was a Flay, and a magic user, adios world of Lotc, see you some other time (and before I leave I have to confess that I'm the one who sold out Flay and got them all singlehandedly banned)

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      After seeing this during a random browse, I am highly disgusted as to your treatment of this player in this status update. Therefore, I shall "award" forum warnings to all posts which I think look flammatory. These warnings can be appealed should you provide a sufficiant reason.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Am I the only one that think the VAT is getting meaner with their denials?

  16. Rorikstead in a bio? bit.ly/MqbTrB

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Why would I give him another chance, like I did Jhaax, when there was more wrong with his application than just that?

      I'm not obliged to give you /every single little reason/ as to why I denied it. And why is it humiliating? Did I /say/ it was you who posted the app? Did I link said application for LotC to see?

      No, I did not. However, I do accept that perhaps I could of included one of the other reasons, as to appease you.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Check the sexiness which is Ninja.

  18. Fractured my wrist. Said break being displaced. #SpeedBump

  19. So re-jigged texture packs for the Healer Hall done, a 32 x 32 and a 64 x 64, now onto all the lore...and maybe some artwork. Who knows if I have the time....

  20. Jexdane has...INTERNETZ AGAIN!!!!! So, how's the criminal underworld going?

  21. So, I'm pretty sure I have the record for longest time spent without a BR

  22. so many crashes this morning...someone let a blond drive?

  23. Whatever happened to "Dat Ass"? Let's take some screenshots of some Minecraft butts!

  24. Is it considered evil to overthrow your leaders and put their heads on spikes?

  25. So, I forgot the password to my alternate minecraft account. Not to worry, you say. Send a request to the MC servers for a reset.

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