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Status Updates posted by Goblin

  1. Good morning LoTC friends!

    1. The Cleaning Crew
    2. Ever
    3. Goblin


      not now, gotta get my hair cut and play some gta sa, thanks Ever :))

  2. Got my hands on Aegis map

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Shame good portion of it is either undeaded or flattened

    3. Goblin


      I am all okay with dat

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      I wished they had released a version of the map before it was destroyed. I miss Aegis D:

  3. Happy birthday to me ! (attention ***** spotted.)

  4. Happy new year my friends!

    1. Kaiser


      happy new years

  5. hey der, just saying lat might wanna check out mi tumblr. www.turret001.tumblr.com

  6. Hooraay, it is up!

  7. How's everyone?

    1. Grouchy
    2. Lykos


      Thinking about forum rps at 5:36am.

      Not sleeping.

    3. Goblin
  8. I am lost in oren..

    1. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-
    2. Goblin


      It worked, thanks

    3. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      I know my way around Oren~

  9. I don't like being restricted.

  10. i got a pedophile haircut :)) www.youtube.com/watch?v=llyiQ4I-mcQ

  11. i make my own troll pics

    1. Minealga


      Can i haz one?

  12. I miss days backon Aegis.. First style of Oren, Kings road, Ark's end inn and many... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nppeck


      Do you want to ride the Hogwarts express?

    3. Thork Halblood

      Thork Halblood

      Yes, Yes I do.

    4. Goblin


      Return Kingsroad back!

  13. I was taking screens for blog :/

  14. I wonder what the **** is done with front page.

  15. I'm having 'Login Failed' errors.

  16. If i win this voting scheme thing, I will create an alt

  17. IP for teh Aegis server (no-rp)

  18. new signature yesss

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