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Status Updates posted by TheNander

  1. Anyone have a list of donor benefits?

    1. Lubbie
    2. TheNander


      Is that current?


    3. Lubbie


      Its slightly outdated. But most things are there

  2. Anyone have a recommended texture pack for lotc?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Giga


      Perhaps DokuCraft or John Smith if you wish to be nostalgic (Doku was the original LoTC go-to texture pack). You could also try SMP's Revival or GeruDoku, maybe even Painterly or Conquest.

    3. MajesticOwyn


      I use conquest, and it is glorious.

    4. LPT


      128 bit photo realism is pretty nifty, I like Conquest as well

  3. When you need to buy potions before the warclaim... [link]

  4. "Teach a man to walk, he'll walk on the ground. Teach a man to climb, and he'll walk on the roof forever." - Motto of the Salvus Roof Walkers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      Sun Tzu once said "Being noble is rly cool lol, try it." I feel his words were heeded.

    3. Shorsand


      Salvus, I'd hate to say, has the most unique feel out of any town on the server. The oppression, lack of hope, it's just gives such a great feeling.

    4. -The Doctor-
  5. #GaryJohnson2012

  6. Anyone from Ireland know when the Hurling Championship Finals match is?

    1. Bawd


      I'm from Ireland, I don't even know the basic rules or scoring of Hurling.

  7. Anyone have a link to the Oren-Urguan Raid rules? I'd like to have a link to a public copy of it for both sides. And yes I've already used the search tool.

  8. Dragon part list update. Any non-bone parts are void. That means no scales/hides. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b__ftiBil5hawxWw4jiTFSSssLjrP_E5Lh-lf3Y6mjo/

  9. Free Dominos pizza for those with an MLB account. US only. http://mlb.mlb.com/sponsors/dominos/dominono/

  10. I accidentally mixed the rest of a bag of honey bunches of oats with raisin bran. Best accident ever.

  11. I am considering making an Inigo Montoya character on LOTC. Full VA and everything. I need someone IG to kill my father, a character I have yet to create.

  12. I can feel it comin' in the air tonight...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. TheNander


      Can you feel it coming in the air tonight?

    4. Raptorious


      Oooooh loooord. Ooh loooooord.

  13. I suggest we suspend habeas corpus and drop some bans...

    1. nppeck


      We've never had habeas corpus

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