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Status Updates posted by marimbamonk

  1. I'm really eager to help this community, and hope everyone will please give feedback on my FM app!

    1. Alec


      Keep doing what you're doing: Helping and being a *good* example. :D

  2. This time, babe, I'll be, bulletproof. :D

    1. Taiga


      This time babehh, I'll bee... Bulletttt-Proof.

      *Electro Music*

  3. Now that there is a literature section, I can finally post my LoTC book there! Take a look!

  4. I would be happy if they kicked all of the Vips, increased the player cap to 200 (because there are 200 people on) and let the regular users on. :D

  5. Just spent 45 minutes creating a great idea. the Asulon Tournament. Check it out.

    1. marimbamonk


      It includes pig jousting.

  6. Why do I have earphones in if I'm not listening to anything...

  7. Expect a major change to my character later tonight. If you know me, keep an eye out on the forums for my posts.

  8. Updated my GM app. If I've helped you in any way, please be sure to check it out!

  9. Hoping to become a wilven monk,

  10. Anyone else not able to connect to TS?

    1. Aislin


      TS has been down for days!!!

  11. Hi guys. Good luck with everything in the future; I may come back for 3.0; reviving Brunhyldir or something. Thanks for all the good times again.

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Later man! Hope to see you back. :)

  12. Is anyone else having trouble connecting to Teamspeak? Saying the server's outdated?

  13. I wrote a poem about people leaving the server! See if you can figure it out! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/76492-a-poem-to-players-lost/

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      Freya, Seven Sages, Pugsy.

  14. I wrote my next poem, this one referencing LotC moderators. Take a look. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/76826-a-poem-of-moderators/

    1. EmeraldStag


      Oh You! I'd +1, but I have reached my quota.

  15. Anyone else not able to log onto Minecraft.net? Not the game, but the website?

    1. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      It's fine for me. Perhaps the servers were temporarily down for maintenance?

  16. Well look who it is.

    1. Taiga


      It'sa me :3 Long time no see friend!

  17. Anyone who has screenshots from today's war, could you please send me a few to use in today's blog post? Thanks!

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Sure, I haven't even looked through them yet, but I'll PM them to you, rough draft of them ,and all of them. Without edits, I want to do that like, later tonight and whatever, but I can send those to you if you want. :)

    1. V0idsoldier


      No plz. Don't look. The competition is stiff as is, adding more good skins will make me lose even more ;(

    1. Silevon


      You make some good blogs +1 again.

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