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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Korvic

  1. w00t! New name ftw :3

  2. ^.^ Thank you for the wishes. Best of luck with... uh... ._. Ah! Best of luck with all the things! :D

  3. You posted this in a status, did you make eet? http://soundcloud.com/siliconsoup/memories-still

  4. In a different time zone.

  5. *Dies from being fluffed*

  6. Welcome to LotC Crif! Long time no see!

  7. I was speaking more of recent terms though, and what I was more getting at was that I haven't seen him around very much and haven't seen any posts by him.

  8. Uganda Cowny 2012!

  9. Welcome to LotC!


  10. Freja my dear, I barely recognized you on the forums since you changed your avatar!

  11. Oh jeez. Here come the requests. :I

  12. I personally believe that any government isn't there to rule or force people to do things, they're to do what a few people cannot do alone. (I.E. Moderating different things, doing modreqs). What Latsi is trying to say, in my opinion, is that we need to step back and take a look at what all the players are saying. We need the players or we sink, that's a fact of a MC server. Please ...

  13. the players and they'll keep the server going at full potential.

  14. Added to the ban report on Naga.

  15. You have been added to Naga's ban report.

  16. Don't mention it. ^_^

  17. Playing with 3DS Max, I know it ain't the greatest, but here are my findings thus far; http://gyazo.com/950c734027dd978f744de20f8ebbd73b

  18. If you'd like some cool LotC backgrounds, my MT App has some posted that are 1080p. Plus you can read my MT App, nothing to lose! Right? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/110083-korvics-gm-i-mean-uhm-mt-app/

  19. Last four hours to get some RP paintings, good for grand halls, or nice homes. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/110446-paintings/

  20. Confirmation: I do not enjoy drinking, just as I thought. Even if it's bubble gum flavored. :s

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