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Everything posted by Taiga

  1. Why is LotC filled with hormone-spewing, pheromone-crazed, libidinous-frenzied, teenagers?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Taiga


      ^ Yes, you win a trip to the Witches' Tower.

      Have a good stay!

    3. Austin


      sorry it is my time of the month

    4. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Oh goody! Witches enjoy

      guests coming over of

      dinner ^_^

  2. Want to eat unsuspecting females? Introducing the Aguairrajf, the opposite of Frost Witches and Warlocks of the South.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      ^^Is that the only thing that is going to be har... no comment

    3. Taiga


      "Prepare to have your lava hardened by my icy fury!"

      That above message can be interpreted in the kinkiest of manners...

      Luckily, my mind is a pure and innocent one.

    4. Everman111


      Hey hey hey let's not get to wrapped up in who is killing who. We all know I will kill you all.

  3. It depends on what you wish to reroll. If you wish to only change the character, creating a scenario where he/she dies permanently is usually the correct way to go. Then, you can simply do a /setname or /nick to change your name. Switch out your skin for a new one that suits your new character, and VOILA! Instant character change. If you wish to reroll everything, such as stats, you may simply file a /modreq and ask for a stat reset. OR, if you wish to reclaim your stats in the form of credits, you must donate a certain amount or buy a stat-reset package off the LoTC shop.
  4. Whoever's doing this voting advertising is the worst hivemind ever.

  5. Common Sense isn't really all that common, is it?

  6. owo;; I gave Robin the 500th rep. I feel honoured.

    1. Taiga


      PS: Rep doesn't matter >_>

    2. Zarsies


      I think it does. @.@

    3. Zarsies


      I think it does. @.@

  7. This topic has been unlocked. House Adelban has served it's two week suspension (if not more), and this will be their final warning.
  8. Mojang... Stop being a Riot. Let us in already!

  9. The ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful Schwan! Gratz~

  10. Part? Read it all to make it /more/ amazing~

  11. Doktor! Doktor App-Team! I hav created a new vepon to uze against de rogue Vandering Souls! I present to you, ze /mute cannon!

  12. Taiga


    You should use a skin that fits your character's description. If he is an orc, give him an orc skin. If he's a human, put on some human skin! Make sure it is okay with our server and that it fits both lore and setting. [AKA: No guns, no supereheroes, no creeper skins, etc.]
  13. I'm always up for a bit of violin playing if you need be~

  14. Hope you're feeling better~

  15. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774 Lord of the Craft is the only democratic community in all of xtremetop100. By letting them have the spot of number 1, we are effectively diminishing our influence as a free and open country. If you want more jobs for the Minecraftian people, choose LotC! This message is supported by the Shiftnative administration.
    1. Taiga


      Ron Paul's marijuana, my dear Falkor.

  16. Swagger-Clan, mah bro...

  17. Good morning, some person in this world.

  18. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774 Even after brutally murdering the Applications Section, I thirst for more fresh meat. Vote, and make me work harder when applications come flooding in~
    1. DrakeHaze.


      Go read the latest App. I hear a nice boy wants to be a normal person :3

    2. Taiga


      I got him~

  19. That feel when people take your status. -Looks at Stealthninja ans Skippy-

  20. http://www.xtremetop100.com/minecraft With great server advertisements, comes great workloads for the Application Team. Let's make them suffer by voting up~
  21. I've grown addicted to Tic-Tacs...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taiga


      ^ I thought we made it clear that whatever goes on in FM Chat, stays in FM chat.

    3. V0idsoldier


      I once went through that phase~

    4. steelersfan1221


      Join the club.

  22. We are also open to donations of $15 to fund our need of Operation Arrowhead.
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