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Status Updates posted by Yamnothere

  1. I'l be doing it soon, I've been out of it last few days so ._. sorry its late.

  2. I'm the trouble starter, punking' instigator

    I'm the fear addicted, and danger illustrated

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

  3. I've played for around 10 minutes out of the tutorial already hit a group of friendlies, Thanks everybody for the whispers! it's good to be back,

  4. I’m not complaining at all, but rather you are possible one of the more quieter members of the community; but none the less your vigilant want keeps many a troll and lolplayer away. Thank you, and for a rating; you obviously get a nine point nine recurring; With an added 0.0 recurring one

  5. Is it legit to mine the stone in the mines? think I saw a sign saying otherwise

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yamnothere


      Are the support struts really needed though? Given its an OOC area

    3. Arkelos


      The Resource Island is an OOC area, the Mines are not an OOC Area.

    4. Space


      The mines all teleport to the same work, from my understanding. Just different parts of the world. I remember trying to plot out a route from the Orc mine entrance to the Elven mine entrance in Anthos.

  6. Issboner; my love; my dear; what can I say about you; apart from pure excellence… You are and have been an amazing friend; to whom I hold dear; You are caring, kind, considerate; and truly I believe you to be one of this servers more popular Inmates.

  7. It has been and honour working beside you on the forums; and by far, next to lym you are the best forum moderator out there. You have earned the respect of many a player, including myself, and you deserve a great big pat on the back. Keep up the good work bro’ski and may your travels see you well.

  8. James my boy; you where the luckiest person I have ever met; you are compassionate about what you do; you work hard; you a friendly; and a good old laugh, You are one of the steel donator raffles and would you believe it; the first winner. I am glad to have you within the server and no second thoughts on saying; many more agree with me,

  9. John my friend; You are by far one of the Smartest members on forum; joining five days before this forum account was made; Your Answer both thread; has always made me laugh; the answers you come out with; oh lord.

  10. Jon snows dad, isn't ned stark, infact his mother wasnt a wetnurse, she was infact neds sister.. and his dad? Rhaegar Targaryen

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yamnothere


      Even NED talks of rhaegar nicely, something you wouldn't do IF he kidnapped and killed your sister

    3. Yamnothere


      Even NED talks of rhaegar nicely, something you wouldn't do IF he kidnapped and killed your sister

    4. Aagaron


      I love Lord of th Ring

  11. Jubius, Skype name please, Inbox it me

  12. Lets get a bit of pyrotechnics going on here;

    I'm the trouble starter, punking' instigator

    I'm the fear addicted, and danger illustrated

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

  13. Lol man; telling derick he has the lowest rep on server XD would of been less if he hadnt of created accounts to +1 posts ._.

  14. Look at all the capitalised letters except for the w

  15. Markus + Ever's new female char = Baby that will conquer the entire of New Aegis ;D

  16. Maybe who could come up with the wackiest lyrics Dual ;D

  17. More caring people on the forum; as you have always cared about the server; and its acquaintances. I have no quarrel with you; to which I do so enjoy; But aye; you are one of the more caring; Funnier; Helpful players on the forums; with amazing idea’s all the time, May you be golf clapped the power of a thousand suns

  18. My dear Breva; Never has this server seen someone more dedicated to the application team such as you; you are a truly, Truly amazing person both in and out of character, Your always there to help those whom need help, Make those smile whom need to smile; and you are not afraid to speak the truth, no matter the costs.

  19. Now; All I need is native to comment on my wall' And my life is complete . _ .

  20. Obviusly! I started the old hat bar's cool courner; ged'over it! ;)

  21. Oig the orc; I don’t know you as much as others do; to be frank I don’t know you at all; I’ve read your village charter’s, your lore, and so forth; And I found it absolutely remarkable; your lore had me on the edge of my seat until it was finished,

  22. One word before another before maybe another;



    Dying a slowe and painful death

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