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Status Replies posted by Bawg

  1. I shall crush OOC

  2. Lets see, time to list some things off for what my RP life is like right now to my characters knowledge! Seth Harken, coma, Auzem, dead, Nax'Ram and Rilath, in his head and dead, Thral'Mar, no clue, Lynx, MIA, Lothiriel, new heavily illogical fears, Lucas Black, currently compeletly insane, last checked, Shoi is memory loss, Guraim is dead, Prince MIA, Pal'un, gone from this world, hmmm...anyone else that's gone completely wrong?

  3. Who would like to win a wooden creeper figuare?

  4. Who would like to win a wooden creeper figuare?

  5. Ugh.. we just found out my dog is diabetic :C

  6. Ugh.. we just found out my dog is diabetic :C

  7. Kahzo went out with a bang. Prouda him.

  8. Kahzo went out with a bang. Prouda him.

  9. Civics teacher brought up an interesting question. What's the most painful way to die?

  10. Proposing to my girlfriend IRL tonight. Wish me luck guys!

  11. Proposing to my girlfriend IRL tonight. Wish me luck guys!

  12. Dear 6:30 AM... I hate you...

  13. Dear 6:30 AM... I hate you...

  14. * wakes up in the middle of the night to my baby vomiting* well this is going to be a great day...

  15. * wakes up in the middle of the night to my baby vomiting* well this is going to be a great day...

  16. Three days w/o LotC... I'm soooooooo tired of these finals... Gotta finish these first..

  17. Three days w/o LotC... I'm soooooooo tired of these finals... Gotta finish these first..

  18. I need somebody who can do HTML....Will

  19. I need somebody who can do HTML....Will

  20. I had forgotten how much fun, WoW is. Bliizzard?! Why you make Druids OP?!

  21. Interesting day. Bandit battles, split personality playing games with people, said split personality getting a kiss forced on him by someone he hates and tries to kill but can't because of Lucas. Tee hee.

  22. Interesting day. Bandit battles, split personality playing games with people, said split personality getting a kiss forced on him by someone he hates and tries to kill but can't because of Lucas. Tee hee.

  23. Everytime you hug me, you're hugging something that's 19 years old. Imagine eating bread that old. Eww

  24. Everytime you hug me, you're hugging something that's 19 years old. Imagine eating bread that old. Eww

  25. Why the hell do people always have Orcs kill their families!?

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