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Status Replies posted by Bawg

  1. The VAs that piled up are almost done. Only a few left!

  2. <: goodnight everyone>

  3. <: goodnight everyone>

  4. So my english teacher today bascially said my 10 page essay was plagarized and I didn't do any of the correct work. She made me cry. That *****. So now i'm rewritng my essay! Due.. in 11 hours.

  5. Step 2: Become a Servant to Godfrey.

  6. Step 2: Become a Servant to Godfrey.

  7. What about an autistic character?

  8. What about an autistic character?

  9. Thinking of making a secondary charecter. I wanna be a researcher, so what race should I be?...

  10. Thinking of making a secondary charecter. I wanna be a researcher, so what race should I be?...

  11. Rammstein tickets for free you say? Why yes I will gladly take those. Thank you kindly.

  12. Rammstein tickets for free you say? Why yes I will gladly take those. Thank you kindly.

  13. Would the current orcs shun an orc of a different color? Perhaps sand colored?

  14. Would the current orcs shun an orc of a different color? Perhaps sand colored?

  15. You bet your ass, if my friends leaves, an ungodly amount of complaining will be made about the players on this server. Because each and everyone of you know who you are. You had provoked her on and on. Now you may have pushed her off the cliff, you call her witch!? You are the jerks, hurting someone's feelings! To be harrassed everyday, telling someone that they are a powergamer for their age!? Let me tell you, my orc Bog is a powergamer, no one gave me trash. I was a thrite...

  16. You bet your ass, if my friends leaves, an ungodly amount of complaining will be made about the players on this server. Because each and everyone of you know who you are. You had provoked her on and on. Now you may have pushed her off the cliff, you call her witch!? You are the jerks, hurting someone's feelings! To be harrassed everyday, telling someone that they are a powergamer for their age!? Let me tell you, my orc Bog is a powergamer, no one gave me trash. I was a thrite...

  17. You bet your ass, if my friends leaves, an ungodly amount of complaining will be made about the players on this server. Because each and everyone of you know who you are. You had provoked her on and on. Now you may have pushed her off the cliff, you call her witch!? You are the jerks, hurting someone's feelings! To be harrassed everyday, telling someone that they are a powergamer for their age!? Let me tell you, my orc Bog is a powergamer, no one gave me trash. I was a thrite...

  18. It's mah BIRFDAY!!!

  19. It's mah BIRFDAY!!!

  20. Dreaming of getting a Bachelors in Education and a Masters in History :3

  21. Dreaming of getting a Bachelors in Education and a Masters in History :3

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