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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Braxis

  1. MFW Braxis tells me his teacher is planning a field trip to Germany, more specifically: my home town: ._____________.'

  2. MFW Braxis tells me his teacher is planning a field trip to Germany, more specifically: my home town: ._____________.'

  3. That moment when life just sucks.

  4. Make fun, not lore.

  5. Playing gun 'n' rose's while cutting trees really makes it more exciting

  6. Oh god Toveah lol.

  7. Claudestine Lautrec, or Lautrec Claudestine? This is for a potential name.

  8. Remember those daily events in Aegis. What happened to them? The most exciting thing in the week was a storm. -.-

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the three most powerful political positions of Oren after the King or Queen?

  10. Dafuq man! I was underground! No lightning could touch little Kaila!

  11. It's settled. My next character will be a Northerner male who always crashes wagons, fall of his horse, and he'll keep crashing the server. He will be Toyota Iswrong.

  12. Why won't jroy log on :'(

  13. That moment when your character finds out his daughter has been kissing an orc. Khel's a very unhappy darkie

  14. Finally one of my characters is a princess... Wait... This character is male... NOOOOOOOO!

  15. So... burned my hand pretty bad. On the upside, it looks like a smiley face.

  16. So... burned my hand pretty bad. On the upside, it looks like a smiley face.

  17. -looks to mutiple pm's in inbox, looks to ban appeal, looks to rp threads has to deal with- "Yup today gonna be busy"

  18. Looking to join the White Rose automatically? Just step into the checkpoint and yell the secret passcode. "The creator is a false god! Darkie supreme race!"

  19. -looks to mutiple pm's in inbox, looks to ban appeal, looks to rp threads has to deal with- "Yup today gonna be busy"

  20. Hello, hello. Beastmen and wraiths and evil stuff oh my.

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