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Status Updates posted by Haelphon

  1. Tonight I feel like making some House.

  2. Average Chain Letter- "You Don't have a Heart and/or you'll die, in some gruesome way." Me- :challengeaccepted:

  3. Anyone wanna hug? :3

    1. Repiteo


      *raises hand*

    2. calculusdesola


      Take all my money, I want a hug before my giant unibrow turns into a beard.

  4. Just bought the tree, getting lights in the windows, ahhh. 'Tis the season!

  5. Going to be having a sit down, and storyboard day on Wednesday. We're hoping to crank out a ton of new content on the YouTube Channel soon for you guys :)

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      +1 because youtube & LoTC= world domination.

  6. Please please please! I would appreciate it if you all could take a minute out and watch/support a video for my brother and my charity- http://bit.ly/buildsmiles (Thanks everyone! -Zach)

  7. Let's do some Science Homework :) Who knows about Carrying Capacity! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Golden_Harvest_Richards


      haha, doing some human geography?

      Carrying capacity is the number of a species that an area can support based on resources available.

    3. VonEbs


      That is so 3 chapters ago.

    4. Haelphon


      LOL Ebs. Zaspar, Yeah, I'm trying to study for a test about it. And MrSmooth Yeah LOL

  8. Busy Day, Spent some time doing special secret things, time for homework :)

  9. I miss talking with you and Bircalin on TS :(

  10. And there I was, Awkwardly standing in Al'Khazar, with a pony skin, because Mylas said Freya loved ponies. Well, she doesn't :(

  11. Hail, friends. I must inform you all, with great joy, Valer D'Avore and I will be getting married. I have proposed during the celebration of Indelwehn's High Princess-ship. More details will be later, Praise Aegis.

  12. Proud of my dear friend Indelwehn, and her new position as HIgh Princess of Malinor. That being said, Native we miss you. To the rest of the Elven Royal Family, keep up the amazing work!

  13. Have a nice Thanksgiving, brotha! Get ready for some Cameras rollin' this weekend :D

  14. Safe Travels and a Happy Thanksgiving everyone who celebrates! For those who don't, have a very nice weekend :)

  15. Put manly stuff on my chest to get rid of this cough. Now I'm on fire :P

  16. Won't be on LOTC until Bukkit for 1.0 is out, due to the fact that I accidentally erased my 1.8 JAR File. If you want to send it, please do to [email protected] :3

  17. When I get pulled over, I speak in my Tree-Lord voice to the cop :)

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      When I get pulled over, I *attempt to arrest the cop. /roll 20.

    2. Haelphon
  18. Home from Schooool! Gonna do some Homework, then work on my new single, then Indelwehn's Theme Song, then Cataris' theme song :)

    1. Nero


      ...and then Nero's theme song...


    2. Haelphon


      Hehe once someone draws your character!

  19. Ugh, Still doing Homework. Great chat with Native, dude's a really epic guy.

  20. You guys gotta be real careful on Facebook with those viruses

  21. Extra Chinese food :P Anyone want any?

  22. Waiting for MW3 :D

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