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Status Updates posted by Haelphon


  2. Decided to upload a legit photo of me, for those who are curious. This is one of my >:) smiles. Meh, :P

    1. V0idsoldier


      Ok, um, you look JUST like my step brother XD, wow.

    2. Haelphon


      Hehe :D You're step bother must be awesome :P

    3. Phelrin


      No, Angelos, he IS your step-brother

  3. Just lost all connections QQ

  4. Rep, we shall indeed diminish any foes through gaming. {8<.>

  5. Those who stop other peoples' change should not change themselves.

  6. Thank you all for your kind support! I've been playing today :)

  7. Please head to my YouTube channel and watch my new video. It's been a slow few months. I'd really appreciate it. Http://www.youtube.com/chattycheese

    1. NekoDanie
    2. CptSillyFrog


      Not a bad podcast. I dont have a youtube account ( bit crazy with the amount of people I follow)so i cant subscribe to you but I did just add you to my twitter and also added you on steam.Keep up the good work and keep down the background noise :P


    3. Haelphon


      Thank you guys :)

  8. Farewell, dear. I appreciate the support you gave me on the thread. Please reconsider leaving. It was amazing to speak with you in person over TS, I'd like to again. Whatever your choice, keep in touch. Best of luck in the future. :)

  9. I need podcast topics- Recording it in 10 minutes. Please submit!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redbaron™


      How sexy that redbaron guy is

    3. Redbaron™


      How sexy that redbaron guy is

    4. Dash_Rogers


      make a topic for people to ask questions

  10. Tired. Busy day! First podcast is tomorrow! I'm PUMPED. Anymore questions, by all means please ask!

  11. You too man, you too! We'll have chances to RP! :)

  12. Thank you very much for that! :)

  13. Thank you so much, Alpha. ^.^

  14. I really appreciate that man, I really do. :)

  15. Did I ever tell you how cool you were? :P Thanks for the support, bro!

  16. Hehe lure me in like a friendly street clown! Thanks for the support :)

  17. Thank you everyone for the support on the petition. I'm throwing an ale & cake party when I return!

  18. Thanks Auv! Pshh, Bias. I would never! :P

  19. Thank you very much for that comment, man! I appreciate it!

  20. I appreciate the support, my friend! Stay fresh >:)

  21. Thank you very much for the support!

  22. Thank you for the support!

  23. I appreciate the support, man! ^-^

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