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Status Updates posted by Haelphon

  1. I made a wiki page for Haelphon on the Wiki :3 http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=Prince_Haelphon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Technically you and I met like... right before Felore died :P I liked you and Nero said I was out of luck cuz you were married.

    3. Kickstarted and Running
    4. Haelphon
  2. Merry Christmas to you and da Fenix man :)

  3. To everyone, a very Merry Christmas. I love you all, stay safe.

    1. Lucas


      ^^ You too buddy!

    2. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Hope you and yours had a good Christmas :) We're still stuck in Denver :P

  4. Just partied wicked hard on Chatroulette, AND I got footage of Dancing to dubstep :)

    1. Nero


      wubwubwubwubuwbwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub ;) Dubstep ftw

  5. Finally on break. I literally collapsed in my chair, with no worries, put on some SHM, and it's time to RP.

  6. Dude You're amazing for that guest pass. We're going to play for my holiday special video.

  7. Preparing to study for exams, while eating Korean Noodle Soup! 'Tis winter, my friends!

  8. Make sure to tell all your Minecraft friends to apply if they haven't, so they can experience all of what our server has to offer! It's going to be an amazing holiday. Truly. What are you guys all looking forward to this season?

  9. Friday night- You, me, Auzem. Nice family RP :-)

  10. Do you guys wanna hear what I've been working on for the "Theme Song"? :)

    1. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Yes :P But also I want you to log on <3

    2. Agnub


      It better be a drinking song.

    3. Haelphon


      ^^ Drink lots of beer, beer is good for you!

  11. ohai Liri, just stopping by to say I missed you.

  12. WubWubWub- Why I love Secret Santa stuff? Now my Deadmau5 collection has doubled >:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Haelphon
    3. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Well. For lack of a better name, I think you're awesome.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Umm. . . Deadmau5 is Dubstep.

  13. Looks like I've got some snack choices to be makin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkelos


      Oh, you said snack.


    3. Haelphon
    4. Nero


      *looks around

      Well, this just got weird ;)

  14. I'm about to write a theme song for Lord of the Craft. Let's see how it goes. Give me love, mates. This one's for my family. See you on the other side. "When Our World Changes"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional


      Good luck, I once tried it too :P

    3. Haelphon
    4. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      The lyrics go liek this. TROLOLOLOLOLOL





      and then you can write. LOTC BEST EVAR MADE.

      Then add the rainbow bunchie at teh end.

      Lol jk, goodluck anyways.

  15. Stay engaged, step by step, on LOTC with our Facebook page~ http://www.facebook.com/LordOfTheCraft

  16. Someone give me a motive for a song. Hurry! I need ideas! *must*make*HOOUUUUSE*

    1. Petyr


      When in motivic doubt, steal from Beethoven's 5th.

    2. Haelphon


      ^^ Well said!

  17. *creeps on profile*

  18. *hugs Aegis goodnight* Interview tomorrow! Getatit!

  19. School interview in the AM. Look's like tonight is all work, no play D:

  20. Thanks or the support :)

  21. Okokokok. I have to focus :challengeaccepted: *loses focus* FUUUUUUUUU

  22. Wow. Day went by WIIIICKED quickly. I'm getting homework done early so I can sleeeeeeep. :) Follow me back on Twitter- @chattycheese

    1. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      You going to get on tonight? Orcs stole your adopted baby orc...

  23. Two Things Haelphon loves: Sleep and Valer (( And trees!))

    1. Valer l'Ami de Harken
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      you mean bed, with Valer ((and trees!))

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      /facedesk im such a troll

  24. I released a new custom map video- Check it out here ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZaVpjSMe1E

  25. PSN Players hit me up- AcerBuddy. Going for a flawless match.

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