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Everything posted by Ardor

  1. Dedicant for life. Represent 

  2. Still trying to figure out why I keep DC'ing and such d:

    1. Space


      The crashing issues are caused by the DDoS protection provider being DDoSed themselves. So nothing we can do on our end but switch providers I guess, but I would have to assume that would be costly and potentially be giving the DDoSers what they want (theory goes that the DDoSers are a DDoS protection company trying to take out their competitor).

    2. Ardor


      Oh, I assumed it was something on my end. Okay then :D

      I hope the DDos's stop soon

  3. Anyone else experiencing disconnects from the server, and not able to get back on? D:

  4. Character Name: -- Oo'ri Oathcast Minecraft Username: -- Ardor Timezone: --- Eastern USA Usual Playing Times: -- Weekdays: 3-8 Weekends: whenever :P PS: I am a dedicant at the moment of Sister Moon
  5. Dedicant now! Huzzah!

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