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Status Updates posted by firespirit44

  1. Interested in starting a legit rp brewery? I can do the research on the machinery involved.

  2. You're the greatest name to ever exist



  5. Human roleplay, Phoenix Rangers. The topic is pinned.

  6. Necromancy? Not sure if I could still make sexual jokes if you came back that way. I wasn't even aware that you brought Rhise's body over, unless its related to the spirits/essence of souls or something.

    Alethion would be in a lot of trouble if you came back. Or incredibly happy to have two wives.

  7. If you send me a tell ingame and I'm online, sure. But tomorrow is kinda busy though.

  8. Who...are you?





  10. Who ever is removing my title....please dont remove it.

  11. I just realised. Your avatar and profile pictures are insanely cute. Did you draw them as well?

  12. Is it alright to close your thread regarding cybering? It has gone over 5 pages, derailed at least 3 times, and a GM has handled your request.

  13. Love Two Kinds, I just wish there was more to read. Nice to see someone else who knows that series! Wait- is Freya's profile pic a picture of a Keidran?

  14. Hey Angelos, terribly sorry but I think I need to hold off the sculpture for now.

    I have the base set, but the paint I currently have is not suitable. It might take a few extra days to get it right. So dont expect it too soon.

  15. Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> Minecraftcodes.info

  16. Just for the record, Tigergamer[Who has just left us] Became a GM at around December 2011, with a post count of only 89. He was elected as GM due to his services he provided to the community ingame.

    Just didn't want to clutter up kwakamungus's app. And he actually has helped native alot with commands.

  17. Indeed old friend, times have changed. It was good fortune to be picked to serve FM, and glad to see you aren't being so damn stubborn anymore lol.

    Hope to see you soon anyhow.

  18. I'm Lee Sin the blind monk.

  19. Those clouds on your texture look sweet, what txtpack is it?

  20. Why hello there Inquisitor Varge

  21. Hey Evelyn, if you still remember me I am the dude who drew your portrait of Evelyn. I had this stroke of inspiration for Vanye, and was wondering if she has a specific prop. A staff/teddybear/dog?

  22. Heya. So I was looking through my drawers and found the unfinished statue I promised some time ago. After failing to create some decent swords, I kinda gave up. Here's the model without the swords.


  23. Hiya! Well I suck so bad at colouring it aint even funny.

    Without further ado, a sullen-surprised Vanya.


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