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Old Man Boiendl

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Status Replies posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. Well guys, I guess I'll never be able to come back to LOTC. Bye, forever I guess. =/

  2. Ate a whole box of samoa's in only a few minutes. I regret nothing.

  3. So Elodin was the one who refernced me to the server a year ago, if any of you know him... And I just learned of what he did...

  4. Away again, this time I wont come back. Bye bye all those I knew. Hope you all do well.

  5. I might have broken the server, might have....

  6. Okay..So..What if..Get me here, What if..We let the players vote on permabans or not..Woaah?

  7. Announcement: Will be shutting down my Brothel soon.

  8. Brothel RP: Good or bad?

  9. Who wants to explain to me why mob spawns are turned off only on the Oren island?

  10. Who wants to explain to me why mob spawns are turned off only on the Oren island?

  11. If you were punctuation, what punctuation would you be and why?

  12. If you have any problems with Oren then blame House Hightower. We are the worsts that a human can be all bottled up into one family. So if you have some problems send us a letter though we'll ignore it because we have more important things to do than listen to the complaints of peasants.

  13. If you have any problems with Oren then blame House Hightower. We are the worsts that a human can be all bottled up into one family. So if you have some problems send us a letter though we'll ignore it because we have more important things to do than listen to the complaints of peasants.

  14. If you have any problems with Oren then blame House Hightower. We are the worsts that a human can be all bottled up into one family. So if you have some problems send us a letter though we'll ignore it because we have more important things to do than listen to the complaints of peasants.

  15. If you have any problems with Oren then blame House Hightower. We are the worsts that a human can be all bottled up into one family. So if you have some problems send us a letter though we'll ignore it because we have more important things to do than listen to the complaints of peasants.

  16. Found out I'm 0.5 inches smaller. WHY AM I SHRINKING?

  17. To all Rustlers, and the other peasants. We have won this battle.

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the first guard leader of Al'Khazar?

  19. The ending of Boiendls life is near

  20. The ending of Boiendls life is near

  21. Guess what's not going to happen tomorrow?

  22. @dubai, mogroka holla at me

  23. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What advisory group was created to aid Reynard Lycian during his reign over the Kingdom of Renatus?

  24. *gay guy voice.* It's worth a google.

  25. Do you guys hate me for trolling?

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