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Old Man Boiendl

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Status Replies posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. @people against the LotC democracy: I may have been hasty. If the player vote has indeed been taken into account tomorrow then I don't see a need to proceed. But if we are ignored, then we should have a sort of...override system.

  2. URGENT: I never do this... but here's the deal. My family doesn't have Christmas spirit right now, because of financial need. We don't know how to tell my little sister than Santa can't come this year... So Is anyone willing to help donate a dollar or two? Maybe if I can raise enough for my family, I could brighten their holidays. I promise not to use the money for my own good, just to help my family provide Christmas. Thanks soo much guys. :> https://www.paypal.com/cg...

  3. So... People are calling Vardak a pedophile? Wtf....

  4. Dear Asulonians, I would like to tell you a silly story. When I started playing my first elf Haldir Isilvis, I went all the way to Seventis I think it was, to try to find a boat to Malinor. Then comes the time when someone comes up to me and says there is one from the cloud temple, and the one here is nonexistent. That is when I bang my head on the desk because I searched for that boat 3 irl days... :D

  5. Finished a drawing of my character Thorenir, thoughts? http://imgur.com/SvwIb

  6. I love to bake and glaze sweatrolls~

  7. PC shall be done late tomorrow.

  8. Hmm... what sort of lore needs to be written...

  9. Pornography. Now that I have your attention, I passed my maths. Yay!

  10. We should kill all the peasants in oren.

  11. We should kill all the peasants in oren.

  12. Everyone wants to FTB with me (y) http://imgur.com/TnW7z

  13. I have 5 new Planetside 2 beta keys to give away! First 5 people to comment get them!

  14. Drug bust at school today ;)

  15. I usually abstain from political style things but I will say this-even if Obama becomes president, we can look at the bright side, knowing that Mitt Romney's not.

  16. Pffft people thought a 7ft tall knight who is easily sent into a rage mode and curses every second would be a bad babysitter, I proved dem Wrong, THAT MEANS YOU BOIENDL

  17. http://babehsbby.deviantart.com/art/Rina-Kameki-335670968 Look at this wonderful person. LOOK WHAT SHE DID FOR PANDA. Popette is so wonderful
  18. Does asulon use like a justice system, like ordeals or trials, If not im gonna write up something about it

  19. It has been decided by a highly-trained council of...okay, by me. Gonna be a dwarf.

  20. I just noticed something, i joined LoTC at the worst time, plugins were being taken out and put in, yet in that chaos, I learned one thing: high elves are the baam.

  21. I just noticed something, i joined LoTC at the worst time, plugins were being taken out and put in, yet in that chaos, I learned one thing: high elves are the baam.

  22. Hey KiiNg you wanna fite and or lift IRL?

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