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Status Updates posted by xmrsmoothx

  1. I got a pair of cherry-red, seven-inch heels, and white thigh-highs with bows on the tops.

  2. >posting on a friendzone thread

    >never been friendzoned

    You're outta' your fuckin' league son.

  3. Uhh... I'm using this, though.


  4. I was roleplaying for a while, then got bored and decided to build some lego.

  5. Well, EVE is a beautiful game. And you know how I like spaceships.

    Unfortunately, my computer hasn't run it for months now.

  6. April twentieth is the date.

  7. You're surprised that I like spreadsheets?

    You obviously don't know me

  8. Just cleared up another 6 GB on my dwindling HDD.

  9. As long as we love each other, it works out.

    After all, we got a bit out of it.

  10. Nah. It's Hapsi's and Thyst's, and if that changes it isn't ours anymore.

    Let it rot when we don't feel like managing.

  11. Well, you could handle fifty Starbreaker clans if you felt like it, hunny-bunch.

  12. Just one for me.

    This clan thing seem more than you can handle.

  13. Can't say 'everyone watching' is a really big deterrent, I'd say it's better to fess up to your mistakes, especially the petty ones, in front of your peers

    But knowing how much you like to argue, PM it is.

  14. I feel absolutely aimless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      Wouldn't a homeless person have more to aim for?

    3. CowsGoMoo


      You have nothing to aim for, if you've already gotten everything you've aimed for.

      That's the feeling of aimlessness IMO.

    4. HappyShackles
  15. On LoC in school. I'm such a badass.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Perhaps your school work is more important somehow... just a shot in the dark.

    3. Admiral_Ackbarf


      Wow umm thats doesn't mean your addicted or anything...

    4. Lykos


      -is on lotc constantly in school on Ipad

  16. On LoC in school. I'm such a badass.

  17. I've never seen a 'roleplayer' with LESS ability to learn or even improve at all.

  18. Why isn't vice7 permanently banned yet?

  19. Less than ten posts in and you're already more productive than ninety percent of the population. Looks promising.

  20. Veeeeeeery fun.

  21. NOT COOL nyan

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