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Status Updates posted by Sebasgann

  1. These crashes keep pissing me off, every day, all day.

    1. excited


      don't get pissed off, just take a break mate.

    2. Grabthar


      And I get pissed that Sabasgann is pissed.

  2. New picture for my account

  3. BTW, IRON ARMOR GRANTS A HUGE SLOW. So people know and stop complaining about certain things. Finally, thank you tech team.

    1. Sporadic


      You're welcome

    2. Sneaky


      Okay keep thinking that:)

  4. BTW Sword Art S2 came out yesterday or something

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox
    3. Dtrik


      It follows the basic anime plot line with the same cutout two main characters. But alas I will be seeing it with friends, time to make fun of it :D

    4. Ford


      Absolute overhyped garbage series

  5. So I'm back to LotC

    1. Ford


      welcome back, i was hoping you'd return actually :^)

    2. Ford
    3. BannanaToYou
  6. D: wasn't there or the 2.5 transition noooo

  7. Got banned from the server for griefing 2-3 blocks, am so soory, didn't mean to, was unintentional toward anyone, probably just my ignorance and will have to pay much more attention to my actions towards others on the server

  8. Back and devoting my self the Glenwood a little more at the moment

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