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Status Replies posted by DecoLamb

  1. Hilariously being harassed by Orcs... They killed my god damn neighbour!

  2. Who is up for making me a 15 year old female dwarf skin? PM me?

  3. Who is up for making me a 15 year old female dwarf skin? PM me?

  4. Who is up for making me a 15 year old female dwarf skin? PM me?

  5. Can anyone point me to some familiar magic lore, if it exists?

  6. -stands there with her cup of tea staring at temp server- ....I don't even.. -shakes head and walks away-

  7. Also, why does everybody assume DDoS when the servers go down? Whilst it's possible, can a server not just crash.

  8. Well, just had an interesting RP time with DecoLamb... XD

  9. Came back to LotC thinking it might have changed. Seems everyone still just wants to kill eachother to show has a bigger "tower", this is bs.

  10. Came back to LotC thinking it might have changed. Seems everyone still just wants to kill eachother to show has a bigger "tower", this is bs.

  11. I regret saying this, but I think Lotc is dying, the forums are getting quieter by day, the server is down (due to host moving and ddos attacks) I can't stAND THIS ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!

  12. For all those who think LoTC is up - it is not. We attempted to pull up a small temp server which didn't succeed due to various issues.

  13. I feel like playing LotC When I get home if it's on... Are red Orcs allowed?

  14. I hope the elven place in 3.0 is more like Laurelin than Normandor

  15. Time to see how Haelun'or will respond to being woken by a Kha...

  16. Time to see how Haelun'or will respond to being woken by a Kha...

  17. Thinking about starting some mild forum rp of Miian running through a city, but what nation's city do I choose?

  18. Just got hit by a huge wave of nostalgia. No matter what anyone tells me, Aegis will always be LotC's finest moments.

  19. I finally found a texture pack that doesn't annoy me to death :D it's called Ozo's and it is 3.0

  20. Le me needs moosic to use while writing his MA

  21. -sits there sipping her tea and cracking her whip at Vardak-

  22. Wither, look at me. Look at me! *pulls his axe out* I. Will. Cut. You. If you come bother me with this Elven woman!

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