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Everything posted by Jexdane

  1. Stuff like this makes me laugh. Thank you for making me laugh today.
  2. A saw a wild beared elf flying around aegis with a cape and dazzling brown curly locks. Could it be, the fabled Native-mon?

  3. As a representative of the Dark Brotherhood, I'd like to make a deal with the Thieves Guild. Could the leader or second in command pm me on the forums?
  4. ((I said the exact same thing you guys just said on his last Rangers of the Forest application thread, and he obviously ignored it, then called his funny friends in to bash me. Some people never learn))
  5. I'm honestly about to kill all the people who post applications to specific guilds as a THREAD. HONESTLY PEOPLE!

    1. realslimshady


      I do not see such blasphemy

    2. Jexdane


      When somebody goes to apply for a guild, stupid people will post their application for the Wardens or something in the guild forum as it's own thread.

    3. Raptorious


      IKR?!! its soo frustrating!!

  6. Problems - This application should be in the Rangers Thread, geez. The guild forum is cluttered enough. - You used the name Ezio? Are you suuuuure your application is accepted? - To back up the above statement, "it has be delete i dont no how i carnt find it." - I think that speaks for itself
  7. Break a bookshelf today, it'll be good for your soul.No, seriously, do it.

    1. Danny


      Error messages?

  8. I want all Agents currently active to PM me on the forums.
  9. The sever just completely blew up on us. Jeez.

  10. I may have us a better guild area than what we have, in a more secluded, but not out of the way area. Contact me in game, or through PM here. Left this same message on the "notice board"
  11. I used to make stupid jokes related to Skyrim, but then I took some common sense to my head.

    1. Lykos


      I used to take arrows to the knee, but then I strangled the archer with his own intestines.

    2. V0idsoldier


      I used to take arrows to the knee, but then they amputated my leg =(.

  12. I pm'd you Cataris, did you get it?
  13. I feel I was misunderstood. I meant lowlife as in, if I joined, I would be the lowest rank, so in the context of the guild, compared to other guild members, I would be a lowlife. I didn't mean to say that this guild is lowlifed.
  14. I genuinely like this idea. I mean, I won't be applying, as after all I've accomplished being a lowlife in a guild would be a significant downgrade, but I hope to deal with you guys sometime soon. Hopefully in a good way.
  15. Not Friar5, Friar7....god I'm having an off night.
  16. FRIAR5 said I was the new Head Agent.....I'm confused.
  17. fatwampa, just message me any time in game. You should eventually get lucky.
  18. Now I just need to see if the various apprentices I've picked up in my travels actually have villain apps.....
  19. I appreciate the compliments, and I agree we should have a vote. The background? I'm not sure, but personally I've never really cared. You're not there to see a background, you're there to see pictures.
  20. There are now pictures of the skins in the album for you to view.
  21. Yes, somebody else did compare them to the Power Rangers. But those are the colors of the different classes, so I felt having the color's more visible would be better. I've apologized, and created my own set. Personally I think there should be a vote to decided whether to use Durzio's more modern set, or my more medieval set. This is the set I kind've stole.....my newer set is on page 22. Blue title.
  22. Jexdane:Cael'Que 's Warden Uniform Design Just to start off, you can trust these completely. They're vastly different from Durzio's, and I've created them for the sake of friendly competition, to see who can get their designs chosen. I felt adding more color was the best way to identify other members quickly, because in battle situations you don't have time to stop and stare. When the uniforms are only different in small areas of color, I find it takes a moment to identify them. These were created using an old skin of mine, and are 100% original, you cannot find anything like these on the web. The process involved SkinEdit and photoshop, and took me about two hours to create them all. To use, just take the files and drag them into the parts folder where you installed skinedit. The password to access the folder is MyWardenUniforms , which is case sensitive. My Warden Uniforms Design
  23. I never saw your second set Durzio, I analogize. I hope the Wardens like what I'm working on right now though, it's variations of an old skin of mine. I think Leafwind saw me wear what's now the highborn uniform during my initiation. Friendly competition.
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