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Everything posted by Jexdane

  1. ((Regaki, how on earth could the very person who resurrected Cael become Merrigans *****? Now I have to listen to Merrigan too? What is this!))
  2. You're accepted, congratulations. The screenshots are used for both ban report issues, and so that we have proof the target was actually eliminated. On that note, speak to either me, Ninja, or Banana to organize a small test. Not sure if we still do those, but I remember they were fun.
  3. ((As soon as this war is over, we should assemble a quick group to take care of that 5000 minas contract. I would like to be part of this group as I'm the one who got it, and the contractee personally requested it of me. Who knows, maybe she didn't know about us at all, but I may as well bring something like this to the guild as a whole to help keep us busy.))
  4. ((So wait, are you back now John? I miss your humor, and blacksmith skills. Anywho, Cael is somewhat cannibal now, he might need a butcher ^^))
  5. (((Better yet, their country will be even more weakened after this war))
  6. ((I can safely say that killing ____ ______ is going to be relatively easy. The city is extremely undefended, and their "keep" is in terrible condition. Not to mention most nations are trying to destroy them anyway.))
  7. We have a major boy who cried wolf issue on this server, because, get this, some people do actually have to go eat during important roleplay. It may seem like we're just trying to escape, but no, we're going to eat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hosper


      Or maybe when you know you know you are going to have to go eat you could leave 5 minutes early so even if something does pop up you can play it out then still have time to go eat it is no one elses fault you can't budget your time

    3. Goliath


      I've been in important roleplay for like 30 minutes and I had to leave for dinner, it's unavoidable when your mum is screwing at you because your dinners getting cold :/

    4. Praetor


      ^ That, a thousand times that. Even if I don't get into fights alot. ^.^

  8. Please, please stop the random advertisement threads!

    1. hypercrit


      I think they are bots...we need some Captcha before you make a post.

    2. Jexdane


      Yes, ReCaptcha. We can use it to create a new Asulonian religion.

  9. I'm debating going to Renatus to sell pumpkins. I only sell them for a day though, my enthusiastic and sparkly demenor appears to indirectly interrupt roleplay. I see it as distracting people from the troubles of the world.

    1. Jexdane


      Like a fes- woah, that woild be amazing.

    2. MediocreGamer
  10. So...the selling of my pumpkins was banned in Alras. There was a small uprising, some children got burned by evil guards, my friend Bito was killed, and the Alrasian Magistrate Martin became extremely unpopular with his people. All in a days work for the sparkly power of orange.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I confused why Alras hate pumkins?

    3. CountJuno88


      The selling of your pumpkins was banned, no children were burned by evil guards, your friend Bito was not killed, and the Alrasian Magistrate is just fine and still the same amount of popular with his people. A villain application gives you the ability to lie in game, I would prefer you keep it in game.

    4. Ever



  11. Buisness in the Elven Kingdom has improved greatly~. At this rate, I will be almost out of pumpkins soon~ *shocks of dismay fill the air*. But do not fret, for as soon as my sparkly, beautiful gorgeous pumpkins have made their mark in the Elven Kingdom, I will return to Alras, all the more famous, and all the more ready for new sights. Where should I bring my sparkle to next?

    1. Ever


      I neeeeeeeed ooooone n_n

  12. Buisness in the Elven Kingdom isn't as booming as it was in Alras. I can understand, they're tense because of the Mori threat. Did all of the elves move further away from the Mori caves? Because I wish to spread my sparkly, shining, spinning, glowy, magical, amazing pumpkin magic to the world, but I can't if there's nobody around to sell them to. If, for some strange reason there are no more elves, I will be returning to Alras until it is requested I bring my magical orange ch...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jexdane


      Have you yet to buy one Ever? I'm soorry, where are you? I would hate to miss another faithful orange lover.

    3. xmrsmoothx


      This post is god damned amazing.

    4. Eleatic


      ^ = i concur

  13. ((I feel like my influence has declined, anyway, Ninja, even though I was demoted for rp reasons, can I still have the same control I've always had OOC? It bothers me that somebody I recruited might be able to boss me around in OOC matters. It's an annoying feeling.)) ((EDIT: Also, I only got 1 pm about that job, honestly, it's a big one, I would have liked for more of a reaction. 5000 minas.))
  14. where do the most elves live? By the way, I am having a splendid time.

    1. Trouvo


      elven nation? lol

    2. Jexdane


      I know, but there are a few cities in the elven nation...

  15. You can all see the flyer advertising my visit to the Elven kingdom here! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/39586-the-pumpkin-king-is-coming/

  16. I'm running out of customers in Alras, it was inevitable after all. Which nation should I visit next? I shall spread my sparkly beautiful pumpkin selling spirit all throughout the land!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shuness


      Yea, go see the elves.

    3. Jexdane


      Ok. Now to tell the elves I'm coming XD

    4. Braxis


      Its offical...Cael lost it..

  17. Comment if you've been visited by the most amazing, awesome, Pumpkin Selling Merchant EVER!!!! LONG LIVE THE PUMPKIN!

    1. Jexdane


      Really? Where are all my beautiful customers?

  18. ((I got us a relatively big job, pm me for details))
  19. ((It's my pumpkin selling uniform))
  20. ((Be warned, what you are about to see may scar you for life.....LIFE))
  21. ((Those aren't my rules by the way, their my sisters rules when she's picking up guys on the cor- nevermind. Just kidding XD, my mother would kill her. She is a notorious Boston Pizza front counter mint thief though, so watch out.))
  22. ((I'm going undercover as an enthusiastic and incredibly annoying undead pumpkin seller. Anywho, it should provide good money for us, as I have two money-making rules that my fans, or soon to be, must follow. - Lookings free, but touchings gonna cost you - I'm not taking my clothes off in front of an F2 key unless you pay me This should be splendidly fun.))
  23. ((We should kidnap a notable person soon. Also, Alrasian construction is going extremely slowly. So maybe come by and help build.))
  24. ((Yeah, Ben has an issue with dead people that he can't eat.))
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