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Status Replies posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. It seems to be my birthday :D

  2. I hate it when I /buddylist and no one is on. :(

  3. I bet people like Shiftnative and Robin don't have to deal with bandits

  4. Anyone want to rp as my son? :D!

  5. (My right eye is starting to give up on me.)

  6. Anyone want to rp as my son? :D!

  7. I did not get my VA accepted, but it was Arrrrcepted... because I'm a pirate!

  8. I will never get bored of this :P |

  9. Room cleaning time. MW2 Sesh after. Add me on PSN: AcerBuddy

  10. Sick time is not fun time.

  11. Who feels liek RP-ing Jena's and Issbaner's kid? A half wood-elf/half-human kid, a girl.

  12. i got banned for 3 days no fair

  13. i got banned for 3 days no fair

  14. Going to be off LotC for a few days, broke my neck and made my intense back pain worse :/ . Don't ask me what happened lets just say "I hate neds"

  15. So LOTC'ians, I guess this is it, weve had an awesome run, I love you all and ill miss you all! Keep fighting the good fight!

  16. So LOTC'ians, I guess this is it, weve had an awesome run, I love you all and ill miss you all! Keep fighting the good fight!


  18. Anyone want to do a skin for my Mori?

  19. 53 Seconds left until, I re-visit Aegis!

  20. Exam soon, wish e luck!

  21. Well since everyone knows.. RIP Maeghan, I'll miss you. You were one of my good friends. *goes to cry

  22. -gets bored of punching issbaner- Punches jena instead ^^

  23. IS THIS NAME BETTER? Will I now get spammed with "HI AUZZY!" and comments on my page? Come back, my loves~ *sob

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