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Status Replies posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. I was put under immense pressure drawing boobs in class today, I even had to google search some guides to the art of boob drawing... ._.

  2. Who wants cake? Anybody? Come and get it! *Holds out cake*

  3. How do Kharajyr's kiss? Random question.... do they lick each other? lul?

  4. Dat feeling when your getting ready for work and wish somehow that you didn't have to go in...


  6. I just realized Mezua is Auzem backward... I feel quite slow now...

  7. P.S its back up (:

  8.! JOIN US

  9. Doing a 2v2 Spleef and 1v1 Spleef. Come join me in my minecraft server. IP is:

  10. Looking for 2 people to test a little map of mine, post here if you wish to participate. I will provide the IP

  11. new group? old hat? whats that?

  12. It was a real nice experience I have had on LotC but like all good things it may come to an end. Though I do not regret what I have done and hopefully ove the next few hours I will be able to say, "Yes, I did it, I was there." But if I do not return, if my account vanishes without a trace, I want you all to know it was an honour playing with you all. *salutes the community* ~Robin Drake

  13. And my haircut was free, barber was awesome :D

  14. What the heck happened to the wiki?

  15. Warn, ALL the rulebreakers! xD

  16. Just noticed why is iron has same green tag as steel IG, in OOC chat?

  17. Hnngh there goes 400 minas thanks to lag spikes v_v

  18. I am now the Grand Druid of the Druidic Order...I take this with full seriousness, and responsibility. I will do all my best for the Order.

  19. :D I was accepted onto the server!!!! Hurrah!!!

  20. Now dis is a film I not seen in long time. Final Destination 3.

  21. Building in singleplayer, what a blast! here's a sneak peak - i'm building a city : http://i.imgur.com/Mwv3I.jpg

  22. It seems to be my birthday :D

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