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Status Replies posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. Why wont it let me repair iron at a anvil! help?

  2. Denied..Again? Are you serious?! ....

  3. Its my birthday ^-^

  4. Pumpkin_Eatters is the best! Nice clean forums, new colors and a new calendar button on the front page! all praise to him!

  5. Question of the day. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

  6. Im a diamond VIP but its says im Iron. Can a GM upgrade me please?

  7. Not giving up on this GM app...

  8. Been gone for 10days and im back

  9. Hmm first Ben being OD'd and now Jake this is turning into a really sad week

  10. Prayers for my dear brother Jake Tyler Sullivan (Jakiesan) He overdosed on antidepressants last night, and is in the hospital in bad condition. He begged me on the hospital bed to let you guys know of this, so I made an account to do so. It is to my understanding you all knew him well.

  11. Prayers for my dear brother Jake Tyler Sullivan (Jakiesan) He overdosed on antidepressants last night, and is in the hospital in bad condition. He begged me on the hospital bed to let you guys know of this, so I made an account to do so. It is to my understanding you all knew him well.

  12. Bored... =3=

  13. Changed meh name, got a problem with it?! O-o

  14. when does the holm event start im GMT!

  15. Help me decide on the LotC hoodie colour! Black or Navy blue?

  16. I want one of those T shirts...

  17. What's on your mind?

  18. :_( Game and gamestation is not selling Mass Effect 3 so my parents could be ordering it on Argos. No pre-order bonus.

  19. :_( Game and gamestation is not selling Mass Effect 3 so my parents could be ordering it on Argos. No pre-order bonus.

  20. My brithday is today, 17 :D

  21. Smashing. A discursive essay to fix. A creative essay to write. A personal essay to write. All within three weeks. >.> <.>

  22. Smashing. A discursive essay to fix. A creative essay to write. A personal essay to write. All within three weeks. >.> <.>

  23. Why is there a smoking area at a Cancer Research Center... That doesn't make any sense.

  24. Reputation down a star, Hates gana Hate.

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