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Status Replies posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. I get another week off from school. umad y'all?

  2. … School tomorrow…. kill me...

  3. The Isles have fallen. Literally. Alethion did what he could for the people of the Isles, as ice cracked beneath their feet.

  4. And now for the Undead to strike Galahar at it's weakest. Mwuahahahahahahaha!

  5. Hahaha, we beated those pathetic purge followers!!

  6. Boohoo...I cannot believe all Squires were purged. DAMN YE CORRUPT KNIGHTS!

  7. * Command is broken. Fix it :D pwease

  8. Boohoo...I cannot believe all Squires were purged. DAMN YE CORRUPT KNIGHTS!

  9. I am so embarassed! Im new to Key Binds and i accidently used "So be it! Die" while have a chat with someone, it was just a normal chat :S

  10. SW:TOR: $69 Burger and Fries: $5 Watching a LotR marathon at 3 AM, drinking wine, and having dogs beside me on the couch?: Priceless

  11. Yay San Diego Zoo tomorrow! Also this: Me: Do you think there will be splenguins there?

  12. Must....not...sleep.......WANT TO PLAY LOTC GAAAHHH!!!!!!

  13. Must....not...sleep.......WANT TO PLAY LOTC GAAAHHH!!!!!!

  14. Last day of school before break...on the forums. ^_^

  15. Last day of school before break...on the forums. ^_^

  16. Last day of school before break...on the forums. ^_^

  17. Yay! Home an hour early and ready for MC

  18. Polcari died... is Now a Dwarf

  19. Lol, a guy manages to hear us IC even though we were whispering, then tries to jail us for 3 irl days... wut

  20. Choose one: A. Alkenaar perma-dies. B. Alkenaar falls in love w/ Eoin and kills himself if it doesn't work out., OR C. Alkenaar falls in love with Eoin and kills HER if it doesn't work out.

  21. Why is Oren claiming Braxis or Tarus King? Gaius is still King.

  22. ALL HAIL KING TARUS. I may be royalty, but I will not recognize myself as it. Only when in great time of need I will. I will not walk around the city, wearing golden robes and golden armour. Heck, I won't even be that rich.

  23. Soon Valie's name will be: Lady Valer D'Avore y Addechio

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