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Status Replies posted by Skippy

  1. Currently buying a home in Alras. That's right.

  2. Server offline?

  3. were do i find a black app form plz help

  4. I think Vaq is implementing a new patch!

  5. So the CEO of Megaupload was arrested by the FBI and Megaupload has been taken down.

  6. I can't do it. Everytime I get on here, or TS, or even Minecraft I think of Maeghan. I can't do it anymore. I think this is my real goodbye. sometime I wish it had been me, and not her. I can't stop watching tributes to her. If I do leave, my project will need a new leader. I don't know how much sadnees I can take friends, for you are all, truly friends.

  7. I can't do it. Everytime I get on here, or TS, or even Minecraft I think of Maeghan. I can't do it anymore. I think this is my real goodbye. sometime I wish it had been me, and not her. I can't stop watching tributes to her. If I do leave, my project will need a new leader. I don't know how much sadnees I can take friends, for you are all, truly friends.

  8. Woo, me and my bandit buddies in our group are officially the most advanced bandits ever. We haz five people with diamond armor including me.

  9. Loving the server

  10. I be lookin' for the Dwarven Architect I helped buildin', I owe him some stuff. Ye help me with 'is name?

  11. Taking a break from lotc may be back in a few weeks may not.

  12. Taking a break from lotc may be back in a few weeks may not.


  14. Not having a good day...might quit LotC soon...

  15. I miss LOTC so much... D:

  16. It's a shame to see the Ironguts leave :(

  17. hey guys, i havent been on for ages, and i feel that i should start a new character, is that allowed?

  18. Sick little me today. Sore throat and coughing...getting cold randomly, and achy. Won't be on LotC today :*(

  19. Anyone know Robin Drake's username? I forgot I have to skin him in a red dress for a raffle.

  20. shall i change my char?

  21. Quiting Minecraft, cya lotc :)

  22. n_n Bedtime~ Good night, LOTC.

  23. n_n Bedtime~ Good night, LOTC.

  24. This is a status...

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