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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Skippy

  1. I didn't say "Houses dor sail"? Where'd you see that? :S

  2. We also are organized. We already have homes for sail, and we don't have nations who want to destroy us and steal everything we have. >:3

  3. Cause we're kewl~

  4. Freya haunts me.

    1. Coconuta


      Gotta love dat freya <3

    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Under my command. Phear me!

    3. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Under my command. Phear me!

  5. Hehe, that was funny! How'd you do that glass breaking thing anyways? It scared me! D:

  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

  7. Come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

  8. If you want to join, make an application.

  9. Wow, sorry 'bout your rep. People can be harsh.

  10. Woke up feeling like crap. ._.

  11. Come back and become a dwarf! :3

  12. Congratz on Admin!

  13. Christmas already? :D

  14. I found your profile. ^w^

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