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Ledi de Villy

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Ledi de Villy

  1. Arcadius!!! You need to contact me...

  2. Can we talk please? TS3?

  3. Good to be back with the community. Enjoying myself as of so far.

  4. Hello native so can i be unbanned from teamspeak?

  5. i kinda want to get unbanned/on ts3...

    1. danic


      Eh, I like to forgive and forget. Make an appeal and spread the love~

    2. bhorner


      I wanna see you unbanned, need those crazy conversations <3

  6. It told me to say hello......

  7. Jayius.......The Elder One

  8. Miss LOTC so much......

  9. The Captain of the Minions

  10. The Order of the Black Cross.

  11. Who even wants me back??? I mean a lot of the old player base is gone....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      I doooo never knew you though.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      I'll take you back =)

    4. VonEbs


      ... IDK, I am still here, but I kinda hated the ascended... so...

  12. Will make a ban appeal in a day or 2

    1. Hiebe


      Perma ban = no ban appeals

    2. argonian


      You can appeal perma bans, you just have a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of being unbanned.

    3. williewonka01
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