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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Lirinya

  1. There are two things I miss about being a GM. Being able to trash threads and being able to see the server bans forum.

  2. There are two things I miss about being a GM. Being able to trash threads and being able to see the server bans forum.

  3. So I can't sleep. I would be in bed by now but, my body is messed so what do I do? Download some classic anime and order takeout

  4. It's so disappointing waking up to no snow.

  5. Anybody want to play pixelmon with me?

  6. Is there any LOTC styled shirts? Cause I would buy one.

  7. Crap, cracked my iPhone 5's camera lens. If I have warranty, will Apple fix it for free?

  8. Should I get myself Guild Wars 2? The game seems to catch my eye.

  9. Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of halloween... ((No idea...))

  10. Any skin shaders available to edit a skin?

  11. I am a mouse q_q

  12. http://scr.hu/0pgc/bo4ij Alec and Akorta casually dancing whilst I do all the work!
  13. Cycled to school, feeling all boss to find out that school is closed and I've spent 45 mins getting there...

  14. Help, I cant find any place to ask for help in adding some features to a server.. I know there are people here who know if what I want is possible and how, but where to ask?

  15. Can you just....completely void RP with another person? If the RP is never enjoyable for yourself and one-sided in that regard?

  16. Can you just....completely void RP with another person? If the RP is never enjoyable for yourself and one-sided in that regard?

  17. Just came back from AFK for 10minutes and I see the respawn screen. with a trapdoor above me and im in water. ._.

  18. MC logins and minecraft.net are playing up, just gonna have to wait it out: http://gyazo.com/034aee1d594a279bb280c948ef2e02e6

  19. In case you haven't noticed, the graphics forum has been changed a bit

  20. How come my WoW runs faster than minecraft

  21. Mining on EVE would be so much easier if my second monitor hadn't broken :I Soon...

  22. Skin Edit can't find Java......yet I have a folder with the downloaded Java.....Skin Edit...Y U No Want Java When U Need It?

  23. I have an idea. With no knowledge of what this idea is., I ask you, the community, to tell me if I should pursue it. No hints.

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