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Sujamma Addict

Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Sujamma Addict

    1. Violino


      I waaant one!


    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Selling for half the price!






















      just kidding lmao

  1. http://www.strawpoll.me/11808408/r VOTE FOR FAIZ SO HE CAN PK

    1. iris1612


      faiz will never pk. he will outlive us all. 

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i will pk if u vote for me

    3. Brawms


      I thought it was a vote for who should pk the most and I voted for the wrong person..

  2. https://youtu.be/lzVPoqAxOgM

    Make Hobbits Great Again. Bring back the Pumpkin Marches

  3. Black Friday Sales in Haria: Brewing Stands for 100, Iceboxes for 450

  4. Get yourself a ****** (brewing stand) for 250 next to the SS pillar in Haria.

  5. Hiring proficient or Vet miners for some excavating. PM in game for pricing: SidNasty

  6. Problem with Kharajyr is that they ain't Khajiit.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Or make them argonians

    3. UnBaed


      M'aiq wishes you well.

    4. Adelemphii


      I love khajiit, why cant they make kharajyr khajiit. Kharajyr are like rip off versions of khajiit. They suck. (Lol i play a kharajyr.)

  7. selling brewing stands for 200 and ice boxes for 600 next to the ss pillar in haria x:1947 z:378

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Can you deliver a brewing stand?

    2. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict

      ^ I can, but price will go up 75 minas

    3. Man of Respect
  8. the code is: JANUVIA

  9. Trying to get ymbninjakiller banned for hacking and filling my browser history with nudes. Please help. Also buy my hookahs (brewing stands)  and hashish for 250.

  10. Where is Arlen Kharadeen? image.gif 


    1. ibraheemc2000





      I have NOOO idea......I miss him dearly.....

    2. adamc2000


      idk i hear he on a badass tropical island with 1,000 year worth of Butter scotch lace weed lucky bastard

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