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Jorgen Reimer

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Everything posted by Jorgen Reimer

  1. That must be the explanation. I thank you for your assistance in this matter Vekaro :)

  2. I apologize again for bugging you, but I cant apparently see it. http://imgur.com/O8GFB

    Maybe it can do to my warn bar?

  3. Many thanks, but I cannot find the option to change my own background, could you perhaps tell me in what subcatogry of my settings it would be at?

  4. I must say that is an impressive background, if I may ask, where did you get it and how did you put it as your profile background?

    Sincerely Jorgen Reimer

  5. Ahhh House Flay, I have heard few and gruesome things about them, but this should expand my knowledge about them. Hmph, perhaps arrangement's with Die Bank des Heiligen Sankt Maria, could be arranged in the future, since the Flays appears to be extremely capable blades.
  6. ((Thank god, now we finnaly got a guild, which is not generic, and which actually got some good lore, which looks like it will be expanded upon. I wish you good luck and hope this guild will be established properly in Auslon, and grow into a force to be respected))
  7. Mehh then I got something messed up Think. AND I NEED EDUCATION! I no work on MC donalds.
  8. I persoanlly dont look in calendars due to the metagameish nature, and since Haelrayne just reveal there is a solar eclipse happening there I feel like most of the excitement of not knowing what could happen is ruined :/. Ohh and Dash, it is 11 PM For me if I were to be able to attend your event. Which is impossible since I got school the next day.
  9. Looks so god damm interesting, but unfortaunaly it is impossible to attend that time, because it is too late in EU time.
  10. Dindt it end bad, when something happedn similar to Oren on the old map?
  11. Do I know you comrade?

  12. I have been added to the Bunga masters friendlist. Where do I undress?

  13. You flatter me Lym.

  14. Reminds me of all the knightly orders which I have seen being established (4-6) who wish to be chevilous and knightly, how weak. Now there are only few organisations which have established proper knightly orders *chough *chough.
  15. ((My mistake, I thought the spoiler was the application, I looked on the topic before I saw you putting in an application section.))
  16. ((You call them Emerald Knights, but they are Samurais? Dafuq?))
  17. If anyone want me to do some skin og signature makeing for you, then feel free to PM me.

  18. ((How about a name change? Like Guardians of Argile or Wardens of Argile?))
  19. Strange, when i make a reply , my reply does not pop up. I even think i accidenlty double posted somewhere. Anyone got an idea?

  20. No i am not English Eggnoodles, but we have British people in the guild. Dont worry you will see people on Europeain times.
  21. To my latest 10 visitors.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦
    3. Aandie


      I want you back, miss you :< <3

      Have not heard your sexy voice for days, heck! Not in weeks!

    4. Vanus


      Welcome back.. :3

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