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Status Updates posted by danic

  1. you know ive always wanted a little dog, but mother said they carried disease, so she cut off all my hair and glued my head to the floor

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Mother knows best.

    2. monalisa


      omg same thing happened to me

  2. You know you're hated when nearly every other nation on the planet teamed up to kill you.

  3. You know you're weird when you are sitting there, making your hands do the worm on you face ._.

  4. You mean my avatar? yeah ones not even an eye, its like, a ender eye plated with gold, looong story, dont really want to spend 5 minutes explaining it

  5. You see, I you were me, I wouldn't be doing that. I would... IDK... Do it at the last minute... So I may hang with my boyfriend... and get a +C, nearly scrapping by :3

  6. You see... If you REALLY loved me... You would login =3

  7. You sure love me for a lot of reasons:3

  8. You weren't being bashed, silly :3

  9. You:3 Holy Shet that was fun, Me, Susitsu, and Eoin were trolling the Solace Guard house XD Shouting about random crap

  10. Your moms dead.

  11. Your playing far too hard to get, you shall get your pics!

  12. Your voice.... tis heavenly~

  13. Youtube has become... "Nate's Shop"... wat ._.

    1. Kaiser
    2. Cynthia~


      *Ding!* You've got: Malware! . . .but, seriously, you have malware. I'd try to get rid of it if I were you.

  14. YUS! I love it! =D I'll use it... Right when I get off my phone and get on the computer:3 pfft, all dem nay-Sayers are just jelly of your übery wubness

  15. Zane and I are Nature activists. This used to be a over forested, bare plain. http://i.imgur.com/jMXaU.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoff


      That's kind of beautiful

    3. danic


      No need to thank us for raising your home value, Rexx. We're good neighbors.

    4. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Now you have beautiful front lawn. c:

  16. Zane, problem, some guy made a thread about his studies of making a hot air balloon :I I don't know if he has permission but I'm afraid of confronting him on it :

  17. Zoo Tycoon, I love you so.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ek_knight


      I played it so much as a little kid but I like Minecraft better.

    3. danic


      I started playing Minecraft when I was twelve. I started playing Zoo Tycoon when I was 5, and I'm still playing it.

    4. gingernut97


      I loved zoo tycoon, I was quite the little psycho feeding the zoo keepers to sharks >:D

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