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Fredfort (jens6851)

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Status Replies posted by Fredfort (jens6851)

  1. What to do with Jena... What to do... -pondering like a crazy- Hmmmmmmmmmm!

  2. Yay! Accepted!..Now Only For me to be whitelisted O_O

  3. Just woke up. Time to go rob some innocents

  4. How much should I start a auction for a Potion of fire-resistance at?

  5. "The Island of John 'nd James"

  6. "The Island of John 'nd James"

  7. Aww... Fell on my bike... Got two huge wounds on my knee... Around 0,5 cm deep.... Dang...

  8. I'm a Hightower now.

  9. Lol :3 No one used npc's to advertise for their guilds before I putted one at CloudTemple :3 :D

  10. LOTC... made my grades plummet XD

  11. This server is so worth the hardwork I put on my app! ^ ^

  12. Just.. Copying? - This is how i'm feeling right now... :3

  13. Parents just banned me from the computer till sunday, GJ brain ._.

  14. Had the most horrible throat ache this night. :

  15. Shamans that can see into the futher / metagame current locations of events and such.... ? Possible..?

  16. So apparently randomly throwing a pre-written note into the air and a bird randomly catching it isn't powergaming?

  17. Shamans that can see into the futher / metagame current locations of events and such.... ? Possible..?

  18. Mother of God

  19. Nugget... Gold nugget.. And.. A... Bucket.. Nugget, bucket everyone loves nuggets? :3 Just.. Needed to write a status.

  20. WTF?! ._. Just go banned from the teamspeak channel... ._.?!!?

  21. When is it I can set my own title? ^.^

  22. ****.... Tears running from my eye, no freaking idea why.... :I I hate when I come in that mood..

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