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Fredfort (jens6851)

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Status Updates posted by Fredfort (jens6851)

  1. Boom-baam I love ham. Or something... :D

  2. After The Hobbit.. Alot of new intresting chars will pop onto LotC... :I

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      I'll create a Halfling for 3.0. :/ GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH "THE HOBBIT." xD

    3. Lykos


      I want to see a totally badass Nether survivor Undead slaying Orc-Punching halfling.

    4. CTap


      But sadly. They will realize that they made the wrong decision and become a Gobo or a Dark Elf like all the rest of the awesome people.

  3. Woaa~ Rumours. Rumours everywhere... And no. Guys, it's called being friendly and nice to people. You'll understand it when you grow up.

  4. Okei. Now we're best friends. : p..~

  5. omgomgomgogmogmogmgomgogmogmogmo omgomgom :#3

    -dies due to overload of cuteness-

    "Thanks for the best christmas present ever."

    x3 :P

    -continues facerolling keyboard.-

    So... Cuteee... :3!

  6. #We're-50-OnMinestatus2012

  7. -looks at date- :O It's the first of December. I already feel the christmas mood taking over. :333

    1. Necro (Darion)

      Necro (Darion)

      I gotta go shave now :( No-shave November is over which means bye-bye beard...

    2. Secret Lizard President
  8. BRIGTHEN... UP.. GOD.. It can't be THAT hard to ignore past events and put a smile onto your face... Continue your roleplay... Sigh... D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jchizz


      A lot of people can't swallow their pride :/

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      This has nothing to do with pride.

    4. TeaLulu


      the irony is so thick I could cut it with a knife.

  9. Blop.. Blop.. Blop.. O_O I'm ready. :3

  10. -Shakes head- Woa... You think you know precisely how people are. And they turn out to be something... Someone completely else.. 2.2...

  11. Tha minecon cape looks.. Kewl :3

  12. Aaah..~ It's fun to look at life. Instead of taking everything, that everyone else would consider personal., I've just started to take it if it was a lesson. Way easier. Life is a lesson. Carpe diem, yolo and stuff. :I

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      you forgot FISH its the new kewl thing'

  13. Pft... So.. I'm home from Minecon, and school is calling... Great to be back... :I

  14. So.. Minecon... Rawr.. Cya LotC :D Got a plane to catch. :3

    1. Dilara(lotteje13)


      HAVE FUN make lots of pics and vlog if you can :>

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