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Status Updates posted by OhDeerLord

  1. So this is what the snow is like where they havent scraped it or salted it http://gyazo.com/cb5f97351d6346966ae143ad88c11e57.png

    1. tnoy23


      Worse than here. Good enough for a 2 hour delay on a half day though :D

    2. OhDeerLord


      Pah! College dosent have snow days..

  2. Thanks for 10 seconds of roleplay(I'm leaving names out on purpose, this is just documenting what's happened) http://gyazo.com/918f27a5a09c0781ef8caaa0d639878e.png

    1. Abysmall


      You can sorta get away with just leaving at that point. The RP is no longer enjoyable, and if that's all the RP they're going to offer then they can't PvP you so. Letting this happen won't teach Rp'ers such as these how to /actually/ RP. But noble to leave names out.

    2. Parading


      So sick of that type of villain RP.

  3. streaming some character studies till the roommate gets back from class! http://www.livestream.com/drawingwithpensandpapers

  4. The longest stream I've ever done condensed into 10 minutes! 7 hours!! http://youtu.be/kDedxYDUQbI

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      i hope you added the dance~

    3. OhDeerLord


      Hehe that'll be in a different video jade!

    4. MamaBearJade


      XD loved your dancing though

    1. tnoy23


      ...of course you do a stream when I can't watch, unless I can from my phone...?

    2. gam


      You should totally draw mine. ;)

    1. OhDeerLord
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn



      So she loves moist cocoa beans?

    3. OhDeerLord


      I spilled coco on my desk and it got on a bunch of important stuff :c

  5. Streamin www.livestream.com/drawingwithpensandpapers

    1. monkeypoacher


      warning is nsfa (not safe for anything)

  6. The Roommate hungers for rp. She will have her fill, soon enough...

  7. Livestream request compilation number two~ http://youtu.be/U8_0w22NNQQ

  8. www.livestream.com/drawingwithpensandpapers

  9. I Love the snow. I hate that its made me slip halfway down a hill and got my essay moist

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      Yeesh, that was monday for us. Atleast the snow now is a little more grippy than ice. Sc, south carolina? Or am I getting that totally wrong

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Sc is South Carolina. The most 'Murican State ever.

    4. tnoy23


      Meanwhile, I have sunny skies and 10 degree temperature ;-;

  10. Log into Lenniel to check on cows. -Oh great another raid- And someone's named [Hooded] Edgy. Look thats not even funny, I don't know where I should post something like this but I strongly belive Edgy shouldnt be a In-game thing. Its a OOC slang.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VonEbs


      Edgy predates the white rose, it is ridiculous to say they made it up. They however did break the fourth wall and bring it into the server.

    3. OhDeerLord


      ^To ebs. And metagaming is bringing OOC knowledge into RP. I'm using the term to describe the term Edgy being brought into the world. Swine yes, relates cause its a insult, but Swine is a word that would make sense within the context of the world. Pigs are about. Pigs are dirty. You are a swine.

    4. OhDeerLord


      Er, I meant to ebs as in "This is what I was talking about when I said metagaming" the whole, fourth wall thing. Sorry I'm being a bit of a derp with my typing tonight

  11. Streaming showing the infamous "Roomate" how to play minecraft!

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Hmm...Maybe "The Roomate" couldjoin LOTC, that'd be funny.

  12. Streamin www.livestream.com/drawingwithpensandpapers

  13. My friend is streaming modded minecraft! http://www.twitch.tv/hirix2

  14. For anyone that missed the links last night! http://youtu.be/mMKlfct7ko4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      ... And a hitlerstache sorry not sorry

      We were goofing off alot. We made you sassy.

    3. tnoy23


      Nah, all good, I had a laugh when I noticed <3

    4. OhDeerLord


      We're gonna be doing another livestream in an hour or so too, haha

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