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♦ Kal ♦

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Status Updates posted by ♦ Kal ♦

  1. Would you consider watching a 10 hour clip of a guy watching a 10 hour nyan video a waste of time?

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      No, no panda would not :3

  2. ()'o_o'()

    1. Praetor


      -knows what that is-

  3. "Well, there's no loot, there's no booze and it's no fun."

  4. Königsberg, hmm? Interesting.


  5. The stop looting baked beans for 10 minutes...



  6. Get rid of the Recent Status Updates bar 2012!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CTap


      NEVA! >:D

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      No Mylas. Would be no fun to know that you still can use it, even if I don't see it.

    4. 0000


      What's the problem with status updates?

  7. You realize you haven't made a single meme in the new thread, right. How can you sleep at night, man?

  8. You can't explain a word with itself. Didn't they teach you this at school?

  9. What do you mean - no?

  10. I like that your Avatar is a picture of Nikola Tesla. That man still doesn't get the credit he deserves.

  11. I think this might be of relevance



  12. I think more people should be aware of this:

  13. I tried to call you a Mogwai, but I botched it probably because I can't tell the difference between Cantonese and Mandarin.


    But, while we are at it. How do I pronounce 强奸犯? <.>

  14. ~.~

    That's not even close to what I had... oh never mind. Damn internet has failed me again, I guess.

  15. 魔怪

    That's what you are.

  16. "Destroy the ring of doom and defeat the evil of this world." Way to go Spiderman.

  17.      ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็(ಠ益ಠส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็


  18. Too thirsty to run away from the zombies... post world problems .-.

    1. Dasaro


      :3 See that's the only reason I do

      Cross Country... so I can be ready

      for them zombehs!

  19. *points his AKM at Robin


    Your beans and your soda! Hurry!

  20. http://oi47.tinypic.com/dop6j6.jpg

    - taken from YOUR post in the meme thread. -

    derp :3

  21. Der letzte Link is gleichzeizg ne Seite, die die Gema-Sperre umgeht.

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