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♦ Kal ♦

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Status Updates posted by ♦ Kal ♦

  1. Okay. Der Reihe nach:  

    Wird sich sicher freuen. XD


    There is nothing impossible on Mogrokacraft.

  2. BTW.


    I was wondering for a moment, why Vaq's post about the portandcourtesan plugin had such a high comical value. Well played Miss Nyanstrom.

  3. Umm... yes, but if someone asks, you don't know it from me, capiche?

  4. Can't judge me for trying.

  5. Sure you can. If you wish you can call yourself whatever you can think of and I'm perfectly fine with that, but this is the internet after all and I don't have to believe you, even if I where to address you the way you want.

  6. Ca't remember the last time I called you weird, soooo~... you're weird. Enjoy.

  7. Training the cat to catch the annoying insects. This should be win~

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      ...aaaaand she already lost interest .-.

  8. Till you post a picture in a dress you're sorta undefined. :3

  9. God. It's impossible to beat Tim in the game of being the latest visitor on Dawn's profile.

  10. GM? What horrible, horrible news to start my day.

  11. You have a typo in your signature ... or you write in a dialect I don't know.

  12. *compares apples and oranges.



        / .  . \


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       \)_|_(/   _

       `"" ""` (_)_.-.


  14. Rains of Castamere song - Y U so epic? O.O

  15. You realize you are fish and you have very short memories?

    1. Praetor


      What am I again? What do I realise?

  16. Facebook is very persistent in suggesting me to add this Freya person...

    1. Praetor


      Don't, you shall be stalked.

    2. Aislin


      Don't. Don't.

    3. Neri


      Don't you'll be stalked.

      Wait, thats me. Oops.

  17. I should found a noble house with the name House and then I shall name my character Noble with first name. I would be Noble House from the noble house House. That's the sound about right.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Kal Derra of the House House! seems legit

    3. HappyShackles


      The... House of Noble... Noble House... Lord of... What?

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I think we blew his f'in mind. MIND CRUSH *Directed towards happyshackles*

  18. That's right good sir. :)


    I would be fine with either having no sub forums for Oren or having all sub forums. Only putting Salvus threads in the archives feels a bit discriminating. I would appreciate, if you could point this out to the person in charge. thx

  19. Let's play a game of spot the mistake, shall we?




  20. I'll be on later.

  21. Sounds like one of my fine neighbors feels like sharing his Rammstein CD collection with me on this nice Saturday morning.

    1. Lym


      Pfingsten = Headbang Weekend ^^

      I need you on TS later, gonna have to talk to you ;]

  22. Oh well. I read Hightower, so I told you. I kinda doubt Der weiße Reiter will take advice from me on German words. I leave it up to you then, whether you wanna tell him or not. :P

  23. "Die Bank der heiligen Maria" or "Die Bank der Sankt Maria" would be my suggestion, but you can as well leave it like it is, since nobody is going to notice anyway and it's probably been that way for a while.

  24. This Maria bank is your doing right?


    Since you are using German, let me give you a hint. Assuming you use Maria as a female name the correct article to use is der (genitive for die) instead of des, which is the male counterpart. Also "Heiligen" and "Sankt" mean the same in 2 different language an are kinda redundant.

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