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Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

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Status Updates posted by Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

  1. Le Sigh… *waits for VA to be read and accepted or denied* Waiting is the worse thing in the world.. next to arrows in the knee

    1. Swgrclan


      I shot the arrow out of

      my knee. With a gun.

      With bullets.


  2. Well I got nothing to do till VA is accepted or denied…. No friends are on… My TV show on netflix is now DVD only… might as well watch Hounds of Baskerfields :3 wish me luck

  3. New years eve…. everyone is out partying, with friends and having a good time… Me, Im sitting here bored shitless, watching crappy tv shows and praying my VA gets accepted...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dante


      I am in the wrong state so no partying for me!

    3. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      I'll give a shout out to your VA

    4. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)
  4. Would appreciate any support/feedback for my VA http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35013-jerichos-va-unread/

  5. I think something is wrong… too much diamond armor >.http://s1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc493/Adam_Swiskey/MC/Shiny/

  6. Skins for new char done… Still need to write damn back story… and get a VA accepted.. Procrastinating sounds good

  7. Log on right outside of Whisperin Isles…. get gang punched by some men… get the nasty black screen glitch xD

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      srry, we wont blackscreen you anymore :P

    2. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      It was Mr Irish

      And it is fine lol XD I wasnt mad

  8. Trying to make a good back story for my new character… it isnt going well -_-

    1. everblue2er101


      Orcs killed parents. I think it's a law you have to start there.

    2. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Why didnt I think of that? *face palms* stupid stupid stupid.

    3. Dante


      ^ dis ^

      It's a shame I have a new character idea but Iv'e done so much with Dante. I'm sure it'll come to you eventually.

  9. You know Applebees was a bad choice if when you get home you blow up your toilet >.

  10. Sleep does not bless me with its presence >.

  11. Everyone.. Have a Merry Christmas!

  12. Last day of school before christmas break! Finally…. I

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Bahahaha. Reminds me something like whats going on in some parts of Asia. They are just doing this to make people richer. Just watch it happen and people will start rioting or something. Hell maybe even hack the givernment XD this is just to funny

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      The bill didn't pass I don't think. Even then, a Republican judge would just say it's uncontitutional, which it is, and throw it out. No way this bill would last.

    4. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      it got delayed, stilll possible to pass, and half of the supporters are republicans:P

  13. Officially an Eagle Scout now…. awwww yeaaaah

    1. Dash_Rogers


      life will forevermore be good to you

  14. i love this mod <_ on your mind>
  15. Well…. this super op spawn spam of monsters really kills RP :P I hope it gets put down, either that or WE get super buffed while the mobs get super nerfed

  16. Server crashing in middle of wedding …. woot

  17. So less then 24 hours to the wedding…. Why hasent anyone thrown Torok a bachelor party yet?

  18. Wedding in two days!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shields12347


      The teutonic order will protect this wedding ;)

    3. Lym


      All I can say: Orly? ^^

    4. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Cant wait for this epic crash/protection fest

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