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Status Replies posted by ryno2

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNx_4Io1-f0&feature=related Never has a song described Panda so well... Atleast in visuals. Panda + - yeh
  2. Panda is back to her good old RP ways, RP block totally gone ^ ^

  3. I feel bad for my Mori. In the last two days, he has had his legs skinned, forced to eat his toe, had a symbol carved in his back, and got eaten by spiders. D:

  4. Rina: Almost died by dancing to death.

  5. Thisi s why Panda took up drawing... Those sever crashes. She just needs a new legit request now... :

  6. Who the hell griefed Aegis this hard..? It will take years to fix it!

  7. The awkward moment when you get messaged on skype and you have no idea who it is...

  8. Congrats to Viper3x for making GM!

  9. All these crashes makes Panda sad. It just breaks the flow of RP when you are deeply rooted into your character... T^T

  10. Hey diddle diddle, the cat plays the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon! The little dog laughed to see such a sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon. He ran from conviction and fed his addiction, as the dish heated the spoon. The spoon begged to go but the dish cried" NO! ... The heroine will be ready soon.."

  11. Server is down, and Vaq is asleep - to the forums !

  12. Hey diddle diddle, the cat plays the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon! The little dog laughed to see such a sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon. He ran from conviction and fed his addiction, as the dish heated the spoon. The spoon begged to go but the dish cried" NO! ... The heroine will be ready soon.."

  13. Panda just got back from her thing... It was so much fun, when I got up there a random man from the audeince came up with Panda... He must have been a professional actor because he was so cool!

  14. Finally home. Time to be a Kitten now :3

  15. First impression on slave RP: Being locked in a cage for IRL days on end, waiting for your "master" to log on. Fun.

  16. Panda is going to a kind of free-lance improv thing, just to see how good she is at improv... Don't wish her luck or she will fail o_e

  17. It's my birthday, yay~

  18. Panda has four thousand views, a goal reached!!! Thank you all... Once I reach 5000, I will draw some thing special.

  19. Panda has four thousand views, a goal reached!!! Thank you all... Once I reach 5000, I will draw some thing special.

  20. Panda finally completed another request... Her fingers HURT... But it was worth it for your Popette!!

  21. inb4 free wedding dinner. *licks his lips in anticipation*

  22. Where should I post about adopting me? I'm a 2 year old Kha' Pantera named Mwita :D

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