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Everything posted by Pinoy_Boy12

  1. Yes, yes I did. (It used to be a moose that Santa jumped on then trippy sh*t happened then 2 robot dinosaurs popped out and then there was a nuclear explosion...) 6/10 :3
  2. 5/10 Seen you often on the forums, never in game
  3. Finally changed my avatar :/ Still good though :3

    1. gingernut97


      It...looks wonderful and rainbow-y

  4. 6/10 See you on forums a lot, never in game though :/
  5. Thinking of writing lore for a bunch of Sea Creatures. That range from a seahorse size to a whale... Yes/No?

    1. Brandonthegreat1


      Sorry, im thinking no.....?

    2. Mingpow321


      Why not? It sounds like a good idea to me!

    3. Nug


      Nug shall flat them all.

  6. 2/10 because never seen you in-game :/ I have seen you on a thread or two though :3
  7. 2:30 and nowhere near feeling sleepy. This sucks.

  8. Merry christmas from California!

  9. So were having a christmas eve party at my house, I went to go get food and I returned to a child soaking my earphones in diet coke... D;

  10. http://puu.sh/1C9uQ Not actually 21 hours ago but I just saw it and was like. Wow.
  11. People are making Apocalypse jokes like theres no tomorrow :3

  12. When you finish 3 bags of FunDip and your tounge is more green than the grass your standing on...

  13. Just hit 200 posts. Yay. (Only 300 more)

  14. Has been listening to Bili Hollowmead's theme on repeat for who knows how long. +1 volutional.

  15. aaand the dog poop'd in the house...

  16. Episode 24 of Sword Art Online... O_O

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