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Status Updates posted by Samler

  1. In school, and on the forums, suddenly school is not that bad. :3

    1. Fid


      Ha! Awesome. My school has blocked everything... :3

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      And I'm sitting three meters away from you :3 Haaa~

  2. *cuts the bone with a almost power gamy sword.*

  3. Why no updates?

  4. Almost maked a monk hit me, why do everyone gets to angry then speaking to high elves? We are cute :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shay


      Sethykins is an ugly foll though.. Gosh

    3. shay
    4. shay


      *Almost made a Monk hit me, why does everyone get so angry when speaking to High Elves? Gooosh. Grammer mann

  5. I would be happy if anyone that wanted to play my child girl, name would be Elleyu, elven for "The Beauty" and a high elf, contact me if you are intrested.

    1. shay


      I think Karmmy should kill her :@

  6. On vacation, the company that rents out houses is called "Dayz", I am dissapointed, no zombies!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antharin


      Haha nice.

    3. Cresaran


      ^Is doing the same as Alex

    4. Cresaran


      ^Is doing the same as Alex

  7. On vacation, the company that rents out houses is called "Dayz", I am dissapointed, no zombies!

  8. Was supposed to be a high elven wedding 13 mins ago... Thanks DDOS...

    1. Eoin :/

      Eoin :/

      DDoS'er objects :/

    2. Praetor


      I c wut u did dere.

    3. Goldd


      Will you be rescheduling the wedding?I am sorry for your wedding's cancellation

  9. Was supposed to be a high elven wedding 13 mins ago... Thanks DDOS...

  10. i think i am a killer magnet, 5min on the server and a dude wants to kill me, why? WHY!?

    1. Lucas


      lol, Just your bad luck! :P Unless your name is something like "Ezio", then I can completely understand.

      You seemed mightly lonely on this page, so I decided to drop by :P

    2. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Thanks for your support with my first Application, I'm very happy for it.

    3. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Thanks for your support with my first Application, I'm very happy for it.

  11. whaaaat? i cant log in on the donation page!

    1. Samler


      ahhhh found out how to do it now just waiting to get into the server and get my donate

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