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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. One of our own has been captured by orcs and enslaved. We are working to reclaim her. Be prepared.
  2. * After some time searching, Spymaster Relgard Sintel once again finds the tree he saw once, and drops a small pouch under its branches.* I see that you are against slavery, and one of my closest friends and officer has recently been captured. Her name was Abreal Amell, and she was captured by an orc who called himself "Pok". I ask that you assist me in the rescue. You will have the help of the Spectres and myself. If you decide to assist, send me, Relgard Sintel, a bird or meet me in Bowshire.
  3. -UPDATE- Aerilyn Amell has had her Spectre Lordship revoked for attempting to separate her town from the Spectres, without the support of the rest of the town. Please visit Bowshire soon, to further solidify our presence there. A new Spectre Lord will be chosen soon. -Spymaster
  4. Question: If a Diamond VIP uses their plot to make a town, and they later lose said town through RP, can they revoke the plot form the town?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarsies


      No idea, but here's a comment~. :3

    3. shiftnative


      Yep, you can revoke the plot. But the plot will only go down to bedrock once!

    4. BannanaToYou


      Um, nope. Unless someone else changed theres for you.

  5. Third Place in the Hunger Games! Was great fun!

  6. Hunger Games in 1/2 an hour!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      Hope native does, sadly my character do not know about this.

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    4. ShadowoKing


      Oh *facepalms*

  7. Sorry for leaving so abruptly. Storm is going on and lsot power, typing from phone.

  8. Oh? Most Interesting... Will you give us something to start from?
  9. Perhaps we can speak of these soon? As for you, Rae, accepted. Welcome, my friend, for you are accepted.
  10. "Current Objectives" have been updated. ((2nd post))
  11. Relgard: 2. DB: 1. Oh well, it was an awesome loss~

  12. Accepted. You already live in Spectre lands, so that works quite well. Due to your race, I will likely have you be a Quartermaster; those who work to organize and gather materials.
  13. Everything in Corvas Spectris is going perfectly. I give my thank to each of you for your help. Soon the city shall be the best in all the world.
  14. We have met in-person so this will suffice. Accepted. Welcome to the Order.
  15. So apparently a large group of people in Diamond form Salvus were looking for me... yeah... /secrethideyhole

  16. After 500 posts, how does one alter forum title?

  17. Are Old Hats able to set forum title?

    1. Arkelos


      no, 500 posts and you can

  18. I agree, that man was very qualified. Good connections to, it seems))
  19. Thank you, please send me a bird detailing my assignment soon. I also wish to speak to the group involving other matters that would be relevant to our grand city.
  20. I regret to inform us all that one of our brothers, Nurrak Irongut, has died. It is likely that he was betrayed by his own nation, by the thing named Syrila. There shall be vengeance for our brother.
  21. Your name, brother?: Relgard Sintel, or, The Bloodraven. ((Your MC name: )) Darkdragon274 What is your skill with a blade ((Skill lvl))?: I am very skilled with axes. ((80ish)). I am also a master of knife-fighting. Are you practiced in the Arcane arts?: I am not, and prefer other studies of war. Do you agree with the rules and ranks of this organization?: I do. A organization that wishes to restore honor must be strong. It must have a leader who is not disrespected. What is your heritage, where do you hail from?: I do not know who my parents were, as I was taken captive by an Iblees Cult at a young age. ((How long have you been on the server?: Since about September)) Biography of your character: I was born in an Elven town, and stayed there for my first years. At a young age, I was taken captive by a Cult of Iblees. My time there was long, and I learned many of my skills and gained many of my traits, though I do not see Iblees as anything other than a monster. After I escaped, I wandered the land, joining with the White Ravens. Since then, I have founded an organization known as the Spectres, I had made it with similar goals, though more open admissions. I had not known my brothers had some with my own ideas. We have footholds in some cities, and could assist this group. My enemies include the Nation of Holm, and the Dark Brotherhood, though I have had victories against both. Have you ever been banned? If so, for what?: I have not been. Do you have a VA? Yes, 1, 2a, and 4. Will you always take screen shots of our battles?: Yes. Why do you wish to join the honorable Blood Elves?: Every race has a skill, and ours is the skill of mind. Others of our kind are content to sit here in Haelun'or and leave the outside be, but that is an insult to the ancestors. It is our duty to put it to use, our duty to lead the world.
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