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Status Replies posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. I'm almost done with this server, doesn't give me much joy anymore seeing as it turned into a faction PvP. So RPers like me can't live on their own and manage things on my own because I'll just loose everything to some stupid ****

  2. http://gyazo.com/673a25323093a851e191ad34ed989287 changed my settings to highest quality for AMD. Unbelievably sexy.
  3. is it acceptable to roll a Kha' who isn't apart of Kha' society and goes about exploiting businesses for his own profit?

  4. A kiss for KarmaDelta

  5. When the hell did Supremacy make GM! gg, congrats!

  6. Apparently I'm tied for first for most warns. I have ~20. Anyone know who I'm tied with?

  7. Kraal ffs stop :(((

  8. I've figured out what my future is.. It is with Kraal. Leave sorrow and see the Pickle side of life.

  9. Has Kraal stopped now?

  10. kraal won't leave me alone :'(

  11. kraal won't leave me alone :'(

  12. kraal won't leave me alone :'(

  13. So many facebook requests from LoTC'ers I don't knowwww. yyyyyyyy

  14. So many facebook requests from LoTC'ers I don't knowwww. yyyyyyyy

  15. my gif wont work for profile pic

  16. Just banter.

  17. Mogroka paying Bill Gates to ddos us :/

  18. Sorrow is this your way of devorcing me? Over the forums??? This could've been done on skype!!!

  19. Lark Steelwall undies a little everytime a "blacksmith" opens up a blacksmithing company.

  20. The server's stability is almost as unstable as a woman's mood in her period, as of late...

  21. Just banter.

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