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Everything posted by Urasept

  1. Made an addition to the previous VA rule update.

    1. Raptorious


      Jheesh. 17? Daym.

    2. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      I think would be really nice see someone actually defending why their characters do it to begin with. Just because someone has 1 doesn't meen they should be lockpick happy.

  2. Villainy has been updated, please take the time to look at the addition on the rule thread. It is the very last reply.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Thankye for the fixes Urasept. Nice to see that cleared up.

    3. TeaLulu
    4. Austin


      thank you so much, i've lost 3 sets of diamond to this. abuse

  3. Ill type something up sometime during my next to days off to make this less of a gray area.
  4. Quick update on VA's, regarding posting in colors.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lordchaos13


      What if you posted awhile ago and only have one color?

    3. Urasept


      The thing is, people have abused the colors constantly. 90% of the colors are hard to read and are just plain annoying. So only changing the color of importance will be accepted from now on. If you had an app in before the change, it will be read accordingly and will not be effected by the change.

    4. Aelvus



  5. As many of you know we have been changing quite a few stuff regarding VA's and stuff of that nature. Some of the changes have actually derived from opinions left behind in the AIC section, other changes from complaint's/concerns either pm'd to us, or left in the QnA section. This being said I would like to make a focal point for all ideas and suggestions you all may have for change. We the VAT are more then likely to see this here before said AIC section as most of us are active primarily in the VA section. Please note all suggestions are welcome, and invited. This does not however mean every idea and suggestion will be taken and implemented. It may take a while for some changes, if any to take in effect. We will use this post primarily as a feedback section and use dwell more upon it in future VAT meetings. So if you leave a post please to not fret if it is not added immediately, chances are if your idea not being touched it will be shot down on this thread anyway.
  6. For the people making VA's, make sure you are using the updated evil selections.

  7. You can get a VA for 2b and drink blood, but vampires do not exist. We have had a long long battle with this before. The sheer aspect of vampirism is extremely powergaming. The sheer ammount of over powering abilities one would gain puts a "vampire" in a such better advantage over everyone else. What with the heightened speed, reflexes, strength and what not. There are not enough negative ailments that would even make vampirism to be capable. So personally as far as I am concerned, Vampirism is something that will never make it on the server.
  8. Still is property of a nation and would still merit a warclaim. Now, everyone get back to the subject matter the post is about. Any further goings about the alrasian flagship or the need of warclaim to take it, will result in a warning, this is turning into a needless flame thread and needs to stop.
  9. .... fine count me in Roze I shall be your Ripper
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